Archived Episodes
High-Heeled Go-Givers Steppin Up For Real Change with Sandra Gilson and Cheryl Lewis
Learn how to be a Go-Giver while you create and grow a wildly successful, online business & make a killer living...without killing the environment. Watch live on Facebook.
Healing Cataracts, Part II with Grace G. Hom, Ep#105
Our eyes are more than sensory organs, they are a microcosm of our lives. This session on healing cataracts addresses the emotional, psycho-spiritual and physical aspects of eyesight issues. ...
COVIDReady Solution-Medows! Preparing Kidney Patients for Hurricanes-Hale!
Dr. Rhonda Medows discusses how new connected health modules are revolutionizing the workplace regarding prevention opportunities and education for employees on their helath status. Tools to help employees stay hea...
Archangel Raphael: Self Care and Healing in Transformative Times
Archangel Raphael is known as the healing angel or physician of heaven. The perfect angel to guide us thr...
September 9, 2020 Top News Headlines
Let's talk real news, this week's top headlines. Mike takes a deep dive into what's happening in the news, how it is affecting our society, and what we can do to wake up, make some changes and think critically abou...
A Conversation with Joanna Gagis
Joanna talks about how her career started in Broadcast News. Prior to joining NJTV, Joanna helped develop and launch the lifestyle show "Life & Living with Joanna Gagis". She was Vice President ...
How do I love thee? Do I count the ways?
We often lay claim to loving ourselves. Talk about self-care and soothing fill out social media timelines. But do we? Do we care about ourselves like that? Today we're talking about self-compassion. We have compass...
Deva: Our Relationship with the Subtle World - Part 2 with Jacquelyn E. Lane
This comprehensive, readable introduction to the Deva Kingdom explains not only the Angelic realm that overlights Nature but how Deva gifts us our experience of being human on planet Earth. DEVA combines a metaphys...
Mothering:Find Your Village part 1 of 2 with guests Suzanne DeCarion and Kristen Wood
Discussing the conscept of "Mothering" and how many times it is our children who bring us together with our "village." Watch live on Facebook.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Co-Hosts: Susan Hough, Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Kristen Wood , Suzanne DeCarion
Insights into Current Energies with Guest, Jennifer Hoffman
Julia and guest, Jennifer Hoffman, will discuss the current changes in energies--and how to stay centered, get through soul contracts, and deal with current challenges.
3 Tips for Upper Body Pain Relief from Carly Penfold launching Holistic Healing online in...
Experience transformation through energetic self-care. Carly shares pain-relieving tips for neck and shoulders.
Triumph Over Challenge
Christian Coach & Mentor, Ordained Minister, Professional Speaker, Trainer and Author, Linda Sztanko, and I discuss her life's journey of Triumph Over Challenge. Learn how she dealt with her challen...
September 8, 2020 Interview with Dane Wigington
Mike and Dane talk the latest news, geoegineering, and how our climate and world are being affected.
All Things Are Glitter with The Samantha Parker
If you are a woman who wants to live and feel bad-ass, it’s important to surround yourself with women who get you, lift you and make you better. Friends who keep you on the rise, who keep you going because le...
On the Edge of Surrender
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, to surrender is “the action of yielding one's person or giving up the possession of something, especially into the power of another.” While this may be true,...
The 7 Secrets To Transforming Your Life and To Abundant Living with special guest Daniel ...
How do you unlock your intuition and open yourself to what the universe wants to manifest through you...?
Embrace The Fall Energy Effect On Your Body- Call In Show
When fall comes so do a lot of transitions and change. This fall marks the great shift of an even much bigger jump for humanity. You may have found your year was tested on many levels and embraced in joy on others....
September 7, 2020 The Creation Frequency
Mike is the author of best-selling book and the 7-week online course, The Creation Frequency. The Creation Frequency is a proven Law of Attraction system to help you tap into to the Power of the Unive...
Monday, September 7, 2020
Host: Mike Murphy
Guests: Kelley Pullman , Courtni "StarHeart" Hale , Marc Martinez
The Pursuit of Authenticity Through Personal Branding
It all begins and ends with YOU. In order for you to effectively communicate to the world who you are, it is vital for you to understand who you are first.Too many people overvalue what they are not and underva...
The Ecosystem Approach - the end of the story!
The story started out with me knowing that I was here on earth to do something special but having no idea how to get there. I spent 25 years trying every self-help, ...
Schneider! Stewart! Horse Safety-Guillermo! Covid meets Flu-Singer!
Schneider! Stewart! Kathy Guillermo discusses the changes PETA is trying to enact to protect horses at the country's racetracks and w...
A Conversation with Jenna Chandler-Ward & Elizabeth Denevi
Join me for an enlightening conversation with the co-founders of Teaching While White, Jenna Chandler Ward & Elizabeth Denevi. We will explore how white teachers can create racially inclusive classrooms and dis...
Conquering Mental Illness in Business Through the Prince of Peace
We don’t like to talk about it ladies, but all of us suffer from mental illness in one form or another and it’s ok. But there may be things we are doing that are ac...