Archived Episodes
Near Death Experiences and Death Bed Visions with Mark Anthony
Have you had a near death experience? Do you know what a near death experience is like? Watch live on Facebook.
Nuggets of Wizdom From The Vector - PERFORMANCE
You know ... those sleepless nights when you toss, turn, and wrestle with worries all night long? You are not alone. The majority of humans throughout history have failed to ris...
Encore: Memory: physical mechanics of memory
The Knowledge Book speaks of memories; today we will be going into some details of how memory is stored and how we remember in connection with the knowledge presented in the Knowledge Book
Psychedelic Consciousness: Plant Intelligence for Healing Ourselves and Our Fragmented Wo...
The book is an examination of the use of psychedelics for understanding ourselves, connecting with the world around us, and enacting outer change through inner transformation. Daniel explores sacred tools and techn...
The Heart Path Oracle Cards: Miraculous Messages of Love with special guest Nadine Gordon...
An intuitive oracle deck illustrated with images of animals and esoteric symbols along with channeled messages of Universal love includes 53 full-color cards and a 128-page full-color guidebook. Each card o...
Dr. Navaz Is BACK! Are You Ready To Connect More With Your Body?
You must learn to take your health seriously long before a crisis hits. Understanding what your body is huge. When you learn to adjust the energy you can work more in tandem with your health experts. Today I invite...
Old Age - what every young person needs to know!
Young people listen up! This is a case study based on my 90 year old mother who lives with us. She is a perfect example of what happens when you don’t use The Ecosystem Approach and instead treat yourself lik...
Plant Spirit Reiki: Energy Healing with the Elements of Nature with Fay Johnstone
In this practical workbook, Fay Johnstone demonstrates how energy healers and Reiki practitioners can partner with plant spirit allies and the forces of nature for powerful healing for themselves, others, and our p...
Inviting Angels into Your Life: Assistance and Support from the Angelic Realm with Kathry...
In this book, Kathryn shows how to easily and safely open the channel to communicate with the angelic realm in order to access the help the angels are so willing to provide. She offers simple and practical exercise...
How To Create A Sacred Space Anywhere~Paranormal October.
Jaime and Nicole explain how to make any space "sacred" even if it doesn't belong to you. This week they work with a client who needs to care for her eldery mother, keep up on the day job and make time for he...
Mindset about Money with Dawnette Palmore
Part of our financial journey is our mindset about money. The way that we think and feel about money will impact our success with it or lack thereof. We have to learn to consciously change our old thoughts and beli...
Stories that Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, September 25, 2020
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Nathalie Herrey , Alexis Moore Eytinge , Maria Aleandra , Debbie Movsesian
Evidence of Eternity with Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer®
Mark Anthony walks in two worlds—he is an Oxford-educated trial attorney who has both practiced law as well as worked as a psychic medium. Known as The Psychic Lawyer, Mark is a bestselling author and an expe...
The Journey Home To Know Thyself As Love
Dear Beloved Soul, are you ready to awaken yourself to a new reality of Love? Join me for another heart healing conversation with the Goddess as I bring forth messages of love and wisdom for your journey from Mary ...
Personalised Yoga for Burnout and Traumatic Stress with Guest Dr. Jennifer Taylor
Sarah Mane talks to Jennifer Taylor, PhD in Medicine and author recently published in the BMJ Postgraduate Medical Journal about her trial of personalised yoga for burnout and traumatic stress in junior medical doc...
Bringing forward the gifts of "Past Lives"
We are Multidimensional Beings living many many lifetimes simultaneously. Many of our other lifetime aspects hold great gifts, talents, and information that we can access and bring forward into this l...
Back to the Basics of Mindful Living
Each day seems to bring more worries, more anxiety, more fear. In this episode, we'll focus on the basics of mindfulness as a way of reminding ourselves that mindfulness is needed more now than ever.
Newborn Screening-Dr Konersman! Genetic Health-South!
Dr. Chamindra Konersman & Ashley & Steve Gilio share jorney of daughter who was treated for SMA spinal muscular atrophy with Zolgensma® the only gene therapy treatment approved by FDA ....
Strengthening the Kidney and Bladder Meridians, Part II with Grace G. Hom, Ep #107
The Kidney and Bladder Meridians are water element meridians that are related to the autonomic nervous system so stress-related symptoms are highly related to these two meridians. Eyesight issues are often re...
TAROT: NO QUESTIONS ASKED: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading with Theresa Reed
Tap into your "sixth sense" and become a better, more confident tarot reader. This book takes the next logical step inward by presenting the art of reading in a workbook format, and helps you learn to interpret the...
Angel Connections Through Sixth Chakra Activation
A healthy and open sixth chakra (aka third eye) is the doorway to Divine communications bridging the gap ...
September 23, 2020 Wake Up and Question Everything
Only you can inform yourself on what's happening in our world today. Have you asked yourself recently if this is really what our world has come to? What's happening? Who do we believe? How can I make a difference? ...
A Path to Wellness - HeartMath
Would you like to truly know and trust who you are? Do you long to be on your path and know your purpose?