Archived Episodes
Episode 16: Complete State of Burnout with Guest Melissa Rohlfs
Join Dr. Kate and her guest Melissa Rohlfs for a conversation around bringing self-care back to the front of your mind, when you have been busy caring for others. The impact of sugar...
High Performance Coach - Special Guest Dr. Morgan Oaks
Dr. Morgan Oaks is a transformational speaker, coach, and healer who empowers the conscious cultivation of body, mind, and spirit through the process of intuitive listening and courageously inspired action.
YOUTHEORY, Christine Crawford, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving
JOYCE MORAN YOUTHEORY Collagen for beautiful hair, skin & nails CHRISTINE CRAWFORD, ScD. What employers need to do to keep their employees for 2022 ...
The COVID-19 Healthcare Response: How it Shaped Leadership Going Forward
COVID-19 changed everything in healthcare. We now work within our demanding caring professions and in an atmosphere of persistent uncertainty. This reality mandated an upgrade of leadership skills in real...
Life - Without Strings (repeat)
We have discovered that most people are implementing their life according to the definition of insanity “Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.” Within you are the in...
Make Choices from Love, Compassion and Grace; Be Fiercely Fearless!
Healthy fear protects us from danger, but we’re not meant to stay there as choices made from any aspect of fear never end well. Connect with the dynamic force of fierce love you already have inside you, makin...
Enlarging People with Kornelia Stephanie and the KSMediaGroup
Kornelia Stephanie Modeling New Earth Leadership bringing you the worlds best leading influencers to enlarge your life for the better. NEW Earth Leadership is serving Humanity. Join us in th...
#25 - The Great Ones Transmute Mind And Matter
In the New Age wisdom of Mars Sector 6, transmutation is an all-encompassing evolutionary process in which we are responsible for raising all life – all thought and all matter – through the different le...
Episode 8: Jenny's Transformation with special guest Aaliyah Jenny
Today's special episode is about Aaliyah Jenny aka Jenny C Cohen and her journey in dance. Join us!! You will get a special gift!!
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Episode 14 - Creativity & Higher Consciousness w/ Special Guest Author Robert T. Norton
Continuing our conversation from Episode 13 of the SHIFT, we'll dive deeper into channeling our creativity as a vehicle for healing and expanding our consciousness; deepening our connection with Soul, ope...
Scalar Light & The Promise of New Healing Technology with Special Guest, Tom Paladino
This week on Episode 8 of The Path to Being Fifty and Free Show: "Scalar Light & The Promise of New Healing Technology" Join me with my Special Guest and
Embracing Grief to Welcome the New
Sometimes grief is obvious, and other times it manages to hide in the shadows in surprising ways. Yet whether acknowledged or not, it affects us—our emotional state, our physical wellbeing, and our ability to...
Seen, Heard and Valued: Bringing Hope in the journey of foster care and adoption.
Clara's Hope came from the personal story of the Kromer family. The loss of their daughter led to creation of a nonprofit to support local foster and adoptive families. Join us fo...
The power of your voice for manifestation
Your voice contains the power of manifestation. Join my guest, Carissa Lynn Renner, as we discuss how to learn to use your voice for more effortless manifesting.
You are All That Is
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and The Realm discuss the quote: "In the beginning there is You and in the endlessness there is You. You are You and All That Is."
12: Scalar Light & The Promise of New Technology
What is the number one important thing for each person to focus on? ~ Our Health and our Healing. Our Wealth is in our Health. Everyone can benefit from what I am about to share with you. ...
Are you embracing who you are? With Guest Desiree Wolf
In this episode we discuss setting boundaries with family and embracing the authentic you. A SoCal girl stuck in a Vegas world, armed with 13 years of experience as a mom and a passion to see...
Are YOU ready to ROCK your SPIRIT for this 2021 Holiday Season?
Watch live on Facebook. and Call in at 800-930-2819 as ...
Uncover the meaning of your life
Your purpose is already within you, all you need to do is listen as it reveals itself to you instead of figuring it out from the head. Claudia-Sam shares what her purpose is, how it was revea...
Choose Joy
Choose Joy. Joy is such a simple word. Why do people make it into such a big deal? Isn’t it just a shorter version of happiness? Choose Joy. Why would you even want to choose joy? And if you...
The Top 10 Things NOT To Do in Communication Part II
Communication is one of the most essential tools you will ever use so we're continuing the conversation from last time. During this episode, we'll continue to address 10 typical communication patterns that shut dow...
Full Body System Wellness presents- Soul Contracts
Your Soul has its own unique contract to experience who you are and fulfill on the mission for this lifetime that it has chosen to embark upon. As we go through each lifetime we accumulate ka...
Tune Out Pain. Tune Into Life with special guest Sharik Peck
Find out how you can Free your body of pain with Rezzimax Tuner Pro. Listen here or watch at