Archived Episodes
Ep. 23 - Skyrocket your Content Marketing Organically and Convert Effortlessly
Let's get your conversion-ready across your social media platforms and help your prospects take that next step with your offer. Designing your client/customer-attracting, money-makin...
The Five Bad Guys with Guest Coach Michelle Moore
SO how are those inner critics doing? Quiet as a mouse? Raging like a hurricane? Most likely somewhere in between. At the core we are not wrestling with 1000 different critics. Most of those...
Enlarging People with Kornelia Stephanie and the KS Media Group PART 2
Kornelia Stephanie Modeling New Earth Leadership bringing you the worlds best leading influencers to enlarge your life for the better. NEW Earth Leadership is serving Humanity. Join us in th...
Encore: Transforming Your Health! With The Power Of C60 Guest Ken Swartz
There is nothing better than embracing your health! Join me in this powerful hour with scientist Ken Swartz who will walk you through why C60 Why this brand and what to watch for! Clearly over the last few years ma...
Scalar Light: The Promise Of New Technology
What is Scalar Light and how can it be used to facilitate physical healing? TLotus welcomes guest, Tom Paladino as he shares how he uses Scalar Light technology to help and heal others through their photograph.
Pricing Specialist - Special Guest: Chella Diaz
Chella knew at a very young age how to manage money, at 9 years old she would go to the Farmer’s market and knew the vendors that had the best produce at the lowest price. She purchased her car at...
Episode 17 - The shift from Balance to Harmony with Guest Susan Axelrod
Such a full conversation with guest Susan Axelrod. Join us as we discuss when part-time becomes overwhelming by actually being full-time. The difference between seeking balance versus finding life harmony. ...
Guests Tony Lyons, Charles Partito, and Scott Tips
TONY LYONS, publisher, SKYHORSE PUBLISHING 58 Books on the New York Times Bestseller list published The Real Anthony...
Conversations with the Divine: How I Work with the Sacred Feminine.
This episode discusses my story and evolution working with the Divine Feminine Ascended Masters we know today as Isis, Durga, Mary Magdaleine, and Mother Mary. My Journey began over a decade ...
Meditation Misconceptions - 3 common ones
We’re going to talk about the 3 most common misconceptions about meditations and then as sort of a X-mas present, we’re going to do 2 meditations that you can do with us during the show. We’...
Wouldn't you like the Stigma taken out of Mental Health? With guest host Kimberly Barrett...
Learn how to reduce the stigma of mental illness for family members and others? Watch live on facebook.
Guest Host Erica Gifford Mills: Looking Ahead to 2022 - Be a GOAL digger!
The term “goal digger” refers to a woman (or man) who seeks to better her/his life and and the lives of those around them. They do not use people for personal materialistic gain. In fact, we should want...
Dreaming and understanding your dreams in partnership with the Holy Spirit
Dr. Lisa and her guest, Lauren Hansen will be discussing dreams, their meanings and sharing testimonies about how understanding our dreams can change things.
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Stop Making Resolutions and Try Something Different. New Year , New Choices!
As 2021 comes to a close let's celebrate family, friends, and all of the good we have in life. Why do we start every year off with a resolution we know we will never continue. When you make these New Ye...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Encore: Growing Big Dreams: Manifesting Your Heart's Desires through the Twelve Secrets o...
Growing Big Dreams is a passionate yet practical call to step through the gates of dreams to weather tough times, embark on travel adventures without leaving home, and grow a vision of a more abundant life...
Sometimes it requires a breakdown to break Free! Guest Luke Horsted
In June of 2019, Luke found himself sitting in his van with his head on the steering wheel, ready to drive off - knowing full well that if he started driving he wouldn’t be returning home, and it would be his...
Be At Peace
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and The Realm discuss the quote: "Be at peace within your creation of reality for you are All."
Are you continuing to grow? With Guest Jen Jonassaint
In this episode, we discuss the growth we experience as a mom and being triggered by our children. Jen is a wife to a strong loving leader and mother of one handsome, creative and curious tween inventor. An...
Are YOU ready to ROCK your SPIRIT for this 2021 Holiday Season? Part 2
Watch live on Facebook. Call in at 800-930-281...
You CAN be happy now
Bust the myth that things will be better when you act differently or when circumstances change, and start to embody the powerful creator that you are in the present moment.
Eyes Wide Open Yet Awake or Asleep?
Did you know that we can live each day with our eyes wide open and yet so fast asleep? Do you want to wake up and realise you’re a free, sovereign and powerful soul? Join Sarah to get some ins...