Archived Episodes
Obligation, Expectations and MisAlignment: Up the Vibration!
If we’re honest a lot of our life is run on by obligations and expectations from others. It masks our truth. Let’s uncover our own truth so that we can start living from a better energy.
Except the Unexpected with Will Hatch
Our expectations are a very wonderful tool for indicating our true stance on a topic. Expectations come up so quickly in our minds to honestly show what we're focused on receiving. Call in to shift into expecting m...
Courage, Truth and Authenticity: The Terrifying Trio
When we choose to embark on our soul path, we experience where we are on the scales of courage, truth and genuineness. We are living them to varying degrees but find that they are important to our ever-expanding pa...
Relationships Part 2: Maturing into Self-Love & Having the Best
Ultimately we want a closeness that feels like our own skin. We want safety, nurturing, warmth, joy, and fun. We long to create our soul mate. Learn about the steps toward energetic maturity that make love feel so ...
Encore: Overcoming the Fear of What We Want
We can have what we want. We also fear it because what we want means change. Let’s walk through to the other side and let our desires unfold.
You Are the Wand - Be the Magic!
You are the magic wand of your own life. You can choose to be all that you really are. How do we get confused and lost? This show helps you navigate to the essence of your truth, your energy, and your amazing quali...
Our Amazing Power to Create Abundance
Only when we begin to step into an intention or desire do we discover how potentially powerful we are. Then we become frightened and almost retreat from it. Why? Let’s heal that fear.
Sabotaging Our Own Success: How We Stop Successful Manifestation
Why do we sabotage our success? We walk it through in our minds, then defeat the plan before it ever sees the light of day. Let’s look at why we do it and then see and how we can turn that defeat into adventure and pu...
Abundance is Letting Go of Attachments and Control
Attachments give us a feeling of control. We believe we need things in our lives to unfold in a certain way for us to be happy – or satisfied. Source has a vision that is so much larger, more loving, more aligned with...
Planting the Seeds of Your Destiny
How do we plant seeds when life is not showing up as we would like? Do we wait until the sun comes out or do we go ahead and do it? And how, if we are feeling bad? This show’s for you.
Daily Life and Soul Purpose: A Balancing Act
We can get bogged down with the pressures or concerns of daily life to the point we forget our soul purpose - a thread through all of our activity. Let’s talk about how to balance it all.
Accelerated Expansiveness and Abundance with Devra Ann Jacobs. Don't Miss This Special Sh...
This is a special time in the Universe - Dr. Pat and Devra Ann will be discussing Divine INTUITION, IMAGINATION, INSPIRATION, INCLUSION & INTENTION for ...
Encore: Authenticity and Expectations: Are They Ours?
Authenticity is aligning with our integrity. Expectations and pressure squeeze out the “okayness” of being ourselves. Are we slouches? Are we not measuring up? Let’s intend from our authentic selves. Amazing results!
Put Legs on Your Dreams with Leslie and Dr. Pat
Do you have a dream? Were you taught that dreams are like living in Fantasyland?i? Dreams are a part of your truth. The fear of making them happen is an old, painful wound. Let’s heal and make that dream real.
Encore: 100x your life in 2016: a game plan with Erica Glessing
Join Erica Glessing, CEO of Happy Publishing and world class psychic medium, on an adventure designed to create and generate 100x results. It all starts with lifting your vibration and expectations.
Overcoming the Fear of What We Want
We can have what we want. We also fear it because what we want means change. Let’s walk through to the other side and let our desires unfold.
Removing the Blocks to Joy and Abundance
Why do we get frozen in our own field, unable to shift into manifesting the agenda we say we have? Many of us have conflicting intentions, desires and preferences within ourselves. Find out how to move these and step ...
100x your life in 2016: a game plan with Erica Glessing
Join Erica Glessing, CEO of Happy Publishing and world class psychic medium, on an adventure designed to create and generate 100x results. It all starts with lifting your vibration and expectations.
Climbing out of the Mineshaft – Progress You Can’t See Yet
This may not be a popular topic, but for many people on the spiritual path, it is a real experience. We need to be reminded.First, there are many of us digging very deep into core wounds. We’re wondering if th...
Truth and Consequences: Stepping into New Frontiers with Leslie Fonteyne and Dr. Pat
To achieve joy and enthusiasm in our lives, sometimes we have to look through the filter of our own truth. When our truth confronts an established way of life that contains no joy, we may put up walls and defenses out...
Authenticity and Expectations: Are They Ours?
Authenticity is aligning with our integrity. Expectations and pressure squeeze out the “okayness” of being ourselves. Are we slouches? Are we not measuring up? Let’s intend from our authentic selves. Amazing results!
Changing Our Story - You 3.0!
Do we recognize our own stories? Our own dramas? Are we drawing in the same patterns and experiences over and over again? What’s the opportunity when we become conscious? Let’s find out. May the shift begin!
Achieving Our Most Cherished Hopes, Wishes & Dreams: What does your life hold in terms of...
Is it possible? Can we actually believe in our own ability to create the future we truly want for ourselves? As a result of the 30+ years I've spent conducting powerful Personal Prophes...
Our Sincerest Truth and Abundance and How They Work
Are you afraid of your own truth? Often we are. We cover up, rationalize, explain, excuse, pretend – and therefore we block our abundance. Exposing the energy of our truth allows abundance to flow. Let’s get to the e...