The Peace We Crave with Tanya D.: Find Your Freedom in Addiction Recovery
Are you affected by addiction and struggling to find hope? You don’t have to feel this way anymore! Welcome to The Peace We Crave: Find Your Freedom in Addiction Recovery with your host Tanya D!
Spiritual Life Recovery Coach Tanya D uses a unique holistic approach of meditation, Reiki energy and sound healing, and spiritual life transformation to help you to find peace and serenity. If you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and have had enough, Tanya gets it.
There is hope! Creating calm in your recovery life is possible. Join in on The Peace We Crave show as Tanya provides a listening and sympathetic ear while helping you find your freedom in addiction recovery.
Are you ready to find the peace you crave and find your freedom in addiction recovery?
Tanya D.
The Peace We Crave Show with Tanya D. - Find Your Freedom in Addiction RecoveryAre you affected by addiction and struggling to find hope? You don’t have to feel ...
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