The OM Show with Tanya Butson: Be All That You Are: Why We OM?

The OM Show with Tanya Butson: Be All That You Are: Why We OM?

  06/06/2023  09:00 am PDT

The OM Show with Tanya Butson: Be All That You Are: Why We OM?In this episode, Tanya Butson will take you through the best reasons to OM aka meditate.  If there was one quick and easy thing you could do each day to immensely improve your life, it would be to meditate.  When there is something so impactful and free to us all, why are more people not meditating on a daily basis?  What is holding you back from taking a few minutes a day to go inward in silence?  What stigma has you losing out on the benevolence of life?  Join this LIVE episode and try out this calming and peaceful practice?  You won't regret it.  



Episode giveaways:

  • The first caller in will receive a package of organic incense for their meditation practice.


Tanya Butson

Tanya Butson

The OM Show with Tanya Butson: Be All That You Are Have you ever wanted a safe and loving place to come to spark that good feeling in yourself? The OM Show with Tanya Butso...

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