The Finder of Lost Things with Hannah Velten: Exploring your superpowers of trust, healing, and transformation: Episode #20 - Miraculous Healing: Trust, Vision & Love

The Finder of Lost Things with Hannah Velten: Exploring your superpowers of trust, healing, and transformation: Episode #20 - Miraculous Healing: Trust, Vision & Love

  06/07/2021  09:00 am PST

The Finder of Lost Things with Hannah Velten: Exploring your superpowers of trust, healing, and transformation: Episode #20 - Miraculous Healing: Trust, Vision & LoveHannah's being asked to share how she and Christian connected in Spirit, making their healing possible when physical circumstances seemed to show that Christian would be forever a 'missing person'. Hannah discusses the practices she used and the energies who appeared to help her find her way. Hannah will also try to define the bond she and Christian share and the importance of parallel healing between the physical and non-physical realms.


Hannah Velten - Grief Healer

Hannah Velten

The Finder of Lost Things with Hannah Velten: Exploring your Superpowers of Trust, Healing and Transformation  Hannah Velten met her grief in 2003 when her brother, Ch...

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