The Crooked Climb with Denise and Suzanne: Life and Business are not Linear: Are Your Eyes Bigger Than Your Stomach?

The Crooked Climb with Denise and Suzanne: Life and Business are not Linear: Are Your Eyes Bigger Than Your Stomach?

  03/12/2021  12:30 pm PST

The Crooked Climb with Denise and Suzanne: Life and Business are not Linear: Are Your Eyes Bigger Than Your Stomach?At Holiday celebrations, buffets, BBQs, and even at home where there is a lot of delicious food are your eyes bigger than your stomach?   You want to taste everything and usually eat too much. There are ways to enjoy the foods you love without overindulging. It's as simple as controlling your portions.  When it comes to portions size does matter!  In this episode, Suzanne and Denise give you simple tools to portion control so you no longer have to guess.

Episode giveaways:

  • Portion Control 101 Guideline Worksheet
  • Portion Control 101 Tips Sheet


Denise Stegall

Denise Stegall

The Crooked Climb with Suzanne and Denise: Life and Business are not LinearThe idea of the crooked climb is that life and business is not a straight path. It is full of ups,...

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Suzanne Taylor-King

Suzanne Taylor-King

The Crooked Climb with Suzanne and Denise: Life and Business are not LinearThe idea of the crooked climb is that life and business is not a straight path. It is full of ups,...

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