Talking to Tanis: Evolve On Purpose with Tanis McRae: Human By Design 2 - With my guest Leann Wolff - Human Design Conveyor
03/20/2020 10:00 am PST
Join Leann and me as we continue our conversation about the Human Design System and how the knowledge can help us navigate and experiment with our unique human journey.
Tanis McRae B.Ed.
TALKING TO TANIS: EVOLVE ON PURPOSE with Host Tanis McRae Conversations about Consciousness If you want to evolve on purpose then it's time to awaken your awarenes...
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Leann Wolff
Leann Wolff is a charismatic, conveyor of the Human Design System. As a coach for over 20 years, she brings a unique style of coaching that serves her clients in all rea...
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