Talking to Tanis: Evolve On Purpose with Tanis McRae: Celestial Clockwork with special guest, my son, Nik McRae.

Talking to Tanis: Evolve On Purpose with Tanis McRae: Celestial Clockwork with special guest, my son, Nik McRae.

  03/06/2020  10:00 am PST

Talking to Tanis: Evolve On Purpose with Tanis McRae: Celestial Clockwork with special guest, my son, Nik McRae.Tune into a conscious conversation between a mother and her son as they reflect on all the ways they were able to teach, learn and challenge each other through their own self-awareness journeys.   

Their willingness to be guided through the process of evolving on purpose was underpinned by a knowing and trusting of a deep awareness of their designs, planetary influences, and energetic connections.  This allowed them to grow and expand together in the flow of divine timing within the world of Celestial Clockwork.


tanis mcrae

Tanis McRae B.Ed.

TALKING TO TANIS: EVOLVE ON PURPOSE with Host Tanis McRae Conversations about Consciousness   If you want to evolve on purpose then it's time to awaken your awarenes...

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 Nik McRae

Nik McRae

At a young age Nik started down his path of awakening and self-awareness, alongside his mother who showed him many different modalities and raised him with the knowledge of ...

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