NO MORE RULES with Stefani Yost & Camille Barreto: The Impact of Being You No Matter What: What about Thursday? TAKE INITIATIVE
02/06/2023 08:00 am PST
We've all been told "When you see something that needs to be done, do it without being told to do it".... That's taking initiative! Take initiative with your life - look out the windshield (your future) not the rear view mirror (your past) and LIVE with no regrets and see how your life can beautifully blossom for you! Shatter the "victimhood" role and "labels" that we have placed on ourselves and step into a growth mindset!
Be GAME READY and TAKE INITIATIVE - Often people plan to "Lose Weight, get in Shape, get organized" ect... for a wedding, class reunion, 5K run, vacation or BIG EVENT.... but WHAT ABOUT THURSDAY??? I want to be "game ready" everyday! Don't delay your greatness, be the best version of yourself everyday.. Explore in your mind the possibilities that unfold if you step into your greatness everyday! And take NIKE'S advise "Just do it"
We will be giving away 1 bottle of our Fizzy Tablet, the Most Powerful Hydrogen Infused Alkaline Water, which is part of our program! Our other give away is Meredyth Willits or better known as Meredyth with a Y's book called Mindset Master Mind - 10 steps to change your life forever!
Episode giveaways:
- Bottle of the Fizzy Tablet - 1 month's supply of The Most Powerful Hydrogen Infused Alkaline Water to help eliminate or reduce oxidative stress - the underlying cause of nearly all chronic health challenges. This will go out to the 1st person to message us on our FaceBook page Impact Wellness and Weight Loss!
- Meredyth Willits or "Meredyth with a Y's" book called Mindset Master Mind - 10 steps to change your life forever to the 3rd person to message us on our FaceBook page Impact Wellness & Weight Loss! Meredyth Willits, The Chicago Medium works with energy and spirit to create the most unique experience!
Camille Barreto
NO MORE RULES with Stefani Yost & Camille Barreto: The Impact of Being You...No Matter What Welcome to NO MORE RULES. The IMPACT of being you, NO matter what! A...
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NO MORE RULES with Stefani Yost & Camille Barreto: The Impact of Being You...No Matter What Welcome to NO MORE RULES. The IMPACT of being you, NO matter what! A...
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