Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: Should I Stay or Should I Go? Part 1
03/25/2022 12:30 pm PST
You have come to a fork in the road where the pain is overwhelming. You may feel you are in a position where a decision of staying or leaving has to be made. This could be anything in your life: friendship, family relationship, a marraige, or situationship. These are life events. My guest Lehua Banks and I have been there and have overcome. We know how confusing and painful making this decision can be. We've have been in the same position and the process can be grueling. Over and over, we’ve asked ourselves the question, "should I stay in this siutation or take the steps to move forward?" Somehow you know that no matter which direction you choose, many times, there will be pain.
Lehua and I have been in those shoes. We have overcome and able to move forward for life. In our show, 'Should I Stay or Should I Go', Part 1, we'll share our journey of pain, what we did to survive the day and how we are now at a place of thriving - not just surviving! Our desire is that our stories will help women glean hope, as well as bring awareness and understanding. This is the first step of many. We know that doing our work, with God at the helm, has catapulted us to a place of strength and healing. We'll share our experiences and ways we arrived to our decision. Join us Friday, March 25th @ 12:30pm PST.
Rosita M. Perez
I have spent decades of my life wearing various masks to be accepted, liked and even loved. Unknowingly I severed ties to the core of who I am. I muted my own voice so I cou...
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Lehua Banks
Lehua Banks is a Hawaii native. Born on the island of Oahu, and raised on the island of Maui in Kihei, she has deep roots for the Hawaiian culture. In 2006, love bought her ...
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