Mouthing Off Radio with Chef Rossi: Imagine Life, Love, & Glory!: Stand Up to Bullies - We All Must! Be sure to call-in to the show at 800.930.2819

Mouthing Off Radio with Chef Rossi: Imagine Life, Love, & Glory!: Stand Up to Bullies - We All Must! Be sure to call-in to the show at 800.930.2819

  05/01/2017  11:00 am PST

Mouthing Off Radio with Chef Rossi: Imagine Life, Love, & Glory!: Stand Up to Bullies - We All Must! Be sure to call-in to the show at 800.930.2819 Just like the school yard bully you have to stand up...stand up to bullies. You find them in the school yard and in the workplace. Bullies can be kids of all ages, and adults of all ages. Confrontation can be scary, but bullies are usually insecure, immature, and entitled brats. But you have to be brave in today's America. Stand up. Be heard. You can be heard by calling in during the show at 800.930.2819

"I have learned a few things over the years. In school, I learned that when a bully tormented you, YOU had to fight back. Even if it meant a bloody nose. You had to fight back or that bully would have license to torture you for years." Rossi

"Bullies are usually insecure, immature, and entitled brats. They cry when confronted. They seek others to make themselves feel bigger." Rossi

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Chef Rossi

Chef Rossi

Tune in Monthly for Raging Skillet Radio - Mouthing Off with Chef Rossi!Each show Rossi "aka Chef Rossi" mouths off about a different subject in the pursuit of breaking down...

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Dr. Pat Baccili helps individuals and organizations break through their limiting Crust so they can reach their unlimited potential. Her specialty is assisting people face t...

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