Message Delivery! by Lisa Ann: You Can't Make This Stuff Up!: ANGELS THAT WALK AMONG US - ARE YOU ONE??

Message Delivery! by Lisa Ann: You Can't Make This Stuff Up!: ANGELS THAT WALK AMONG US - ARE YOU ONE??

  07/16/2020  01:00 pm PST

Message Delivery! by Lisa Ann: You Can't Make This Stuff Up!: ANGELS THAT WALK AMONG US - ARE YOU ONE??Lightworkers, Empaths, Starseed & Indigo - modern day buzzwords with impactful responsibilities!.  Chances are you ARE one or you KNOW one!  They walk around in plain clothes. Lets describe them, what they do and the benefit and blessing they are to us all!  VERY WELL COULD BE YOU!  Want to find out?  JOIN ME!  

Episode giveaways:

  • 30 - Minute Intuitive Oracle Card Reading


lisa ann fenske

Lisa Ann

MESSAGE DELIVERY! by Lisa Ann: You Can’t Make This Stuff Up! Do you know what your superpowers are? Are you divinely guided to help yourself and others in your path?...

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