Empowerment Radio with Dr. Friedemann Schaub: The power of surrender

Empowerment Radio with Dr. Friedemann Schaub: The power of surrender

  05/07/2020  09:00 am PST

Empowerment Radio with Dr. Friedemann Schaub: The power of surrenderDuring this time of change and uncertainty, fighting for those we love and care about, for keeping what we have and reclaiming what we lost, seems to be the most courageous choice. We were taught that what makes the difference for those people who get what they want, is their determination to fight for it.

Yet when despite our greatest efforts we don’t succeed, letting go and surrendering can be the bravest and wisest choice we can make. Surrender isn’t defeat, giving up or powerlessness. To surrender is choose acceptance over resistance, appreciation over expectations and flexibility over foolishness. Or in the words of Joseph Campbell: “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” Join me this Thursday on Empowerment Radio and learn how to practice the powerful art of surrender.


Dr. Friedemann Schaub, MD Ph.D.

Dr. Friedemann Schaub, MD Ph.D.

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