Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: Universal Clan Mother Tribal Laws are being  reinstated on Mother Earth

Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: Universal Clan Mother Tribal Laws are being reinstated on Mother Earth

  09/18/2024  09:00 am PST

Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: Universal Clan Mother Tribal Laws are being  reinstated on Mother EarthThere has been a huge Message given to many Woman all over Mother Earth - in a variety of ways - different Countries have spoken of it for over 10 years or more..

NOW different ones have been given visions, song, dreamtime teachings, Soul Memory and sacred sharing ---   It is TIME for the Universal Clan Mothers of ALL Star Nations of this Galaxy to Bring back and in The Tribal Universal Lawss - to and with Mother Earth.

Nukumi Selina Mu'lskw is back with me to share more of this, and we will uncover what this means for Mother Earth and ALL upon her.  including Humanity.

Have you been part of carrying and bringing in the Feminine Energies ?  have you been called to consciously remeber the ancient Universal Laws?  Join us and let's connect the sparks of transformation of Divine Mother Earth.  


Patricia McNair

Patricia McNair

Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing 1st & 3rd Wednesday9am PT / 1pm ATL Are you ready to embrace and strengthen your connection ...

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 Nukumi Selina Mu'lskw

Nukumi Selina Mu'lskw

Nukumi Selina is an EarthKeeper Medicine Woman from the Wabanaki People of Eastern Canada. The People of the Dawn. Of mixed Ancestral Lineages she brings a powerful Sacred...

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