Latest episode:

  01/12/2022      05:30 pm

Shades of Spirit: Making Sacred Connections Bringing A Shade Of Spirit To You with Psychic Medium Jaime: Spirit Finds a Way! Messages From Beyond.

Co-Host Profile

Spiritwalker Nicole

Spiritwalker Nicole is an Intuitive Channeling Medium and Reiki and Shamanic Practitioner. Her gift of communication in the higher realms is breathtaking. Spiritwalker Nicole will connect you with your spirit team to bring you messages for your highest and best. We came into this life with a purpose, to complete our Soul’s Life Contract. Sometimes we forget we have a team to help guide us on this journey. Spiritwalker Nicole will help give you direction on your soul’s purpose in this life by working through your angels and spirit guides.


  • "I want to thank you so very much because over the last 10 years you have really been a very instrumental part of our evolution because you're feeding cultural creatives, the audience, the wonderful people that are listening, people who are looking outside of the box, with answers that could help us thrive into the future. So I'm very honored to share this time with you Pat."  Bruce Lipton 
    Bruce Lipton

  • "I've been on Dr. Pat's show on several occasions and I never cease to be impressed with how professional and engaging she is. Dr. Pat always gets the guest to bring out the most interesting and informative details. She is an upbeat, intelligent, alluring and entertaining host. I highly recommend the Dr. Pat Show if you want to open your mind and broaden your horizons."  Mark Anthony
    Mark Anthony

  • "Dr. Pat Bacilli is that rare intuitive Media Educator whose enthusiasm and prescience are "tuned in" far beyond the station. She can generate multidimensional sparks on the air--and possibly around you at home...Her deceptively concise interviews pack a lot more than information...and I suspect are broadcast to unlisted, "non-local" stations far far away...She delivers an "energy burst" more than an "interview." She also seems to know if you're onto something "new" before you do; pay attention to that. My suspicion is that, by design, you get more than "words" when you listen to Dr. Pat's interviews and can take in more information. That's just one woman's opinion from a Parallel Universe..."
    Sandra H. Rodman

  • “[...] and I love you Alvin and Dr. Pat. Thank you so much for having this great show today. And might I add that, that… um… what I love about you, the way you inspired me, and we’ve talked about this, is that you have created a way, and this is also what I do with my show The Concessional. We create a way for people to see “what CAN we do?” We don’t have to agree, we don’t even have to like that we don’t agree. But what can we do? What can we do to create a better country, a better city, a better neighborhood, a better planet. And that’s really what’s important, it does not matter. You know, its true, these congressman and all these people in office and all this stuff that’s going on, I’ll tell ya. The politicians right now are lacking, but they are… the thing that’s the hardest to swallow, is they are a complete mirror of what we will accept. The absolute mirror. And so, we have a lot of work to do. A lot of work to do. I knew this nurse once and she was like “What is this thought that there’s all this unemployment and there’s no work. There IS work. As long as there are behinds to wipe, there is work. And so we all have something to do. We all have work to do and we all have our purpose on the planet. Thank God for you, Dr. Pat, because I’ll tell you what, if you only touched one life in all these years, it was me, and I am so glad I listened to you in the early stages and I am so glad that both you and I are putting it out there, and you too Alvin, that people can do something. They don’t have to sit around and accept what they consider to be their reality.”

  • "Well I'm going to be starting a show with Dr. Pat and her wonderful team coming in April. And it's all about financial healing and moving beyond your fears and moving beyond what is holding you back in life. And that's who I am at a deep level and it's why I am a financial healer, it's why I'm doing the work I do in my financial healing practice and my life purpose. And I want to thank Dr. Pat and all of her team for that." 
    Mary Jane Allen - CoHost