Archived Episodes
Encore: The Impact of Grassroots Advocacy in Our Nation with Stephanie Vance
Listeners will understand what grassroots advocacy is, the power it has in influencing, and in shaping public policy. Listeners will also learn how they can become more engaged in advocacy efforts in their communit...
Encore: On the Edge of Desire
What is Desire? Is it the same thing as wanting or wishing for something? Is it a yearning? What do we do with Desire when we experience it? Dr. Pat and Master Healer Megan Edge will share with their listeners thei...
America's Opioid Crisis-Dr. Stulberg! CBD Oil Helps-Jaynes! Grandstories' Campaign-Cwik! ...
Dr. Jonah Stulberg talks about the drug disposal program and how he is working with hospitals across the state to implement their own opiod stewardship and disposal programs. Keeping unused prescription pain medica...
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Jonah Stulberg , Whitney Jaynes , Carlin Cwik , John Harrison
Ask for a Beneficial Life, Not An Easy One!
In today's show, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages about when we release and surrender expectations to outcomes for an easy life, we ...
What Was A Defining Moment In Your Life - Second Chances
Everyone has a defining moment in their life that they carry forward. This moment can hold you back or lift you up. Unfortunately, we stay stuck in the ones that hold us back. Loss, grive or sadness. For me, it was...
Building Respect into Your Conversations
How we communicate with our children should reflect how we want them to talk to others. Keeping our kids talking to us requires an atmosphere of trust amoung other things. In this show I share important communicati...
Coffee Time ~ Part 2 of 4. EVIL TWINS: Procrastination & Disorganization FOUR PART SERIES
Part 2 of a 4 part series: EVIL TWINS: Procrastination & Disorganization. Part 2: Procrastination. What comes first the chicken or the egg? Does disorganization rise first to be followed ...
9/11 Attack - what happened to the souls who died??
The attack on 9/11 2001 was very personal to us because right afterward many souls came to visit and were using Patricia to communicate because she had the ability! It is an amazing story and very fitting on the an...
Central Banks Propose Total Takeover with Digital Currency w/ Harley Schlanger
Harley Schlanger rejoins the program to discuss the central banker meeting that took place in Wyoming this past week. He shares the 3 proposals they formulated to reset the global economy and lay their path for com...
I Am God In Disguise-So Are You with author Craig Kolavo!
Craig Kolavo discusses his book I Am God In Disguise-So Are You and the inspirational message he would like to convey. It's time for a spiritual revolution! God in Disguise Media Quest...
Preparing Students to Navigate Difficult Situations in the Classroom, a Conversation with...
Discussing controversial, difficult topics in the classroom can lead to powerful insights and skill development; yet, too often, these conversations dissolve into unproductive debates and shouting matches, undermin...
Fueled by Freedom - Amplifying Your Life of “Wealth” with Dianne Solano
Tune in to discover: How to Inspire others who are feeling stuck in life - emotionally, f...
It’s Never Too Late, The Time is Now #letsdothis with Miss Chrissy D.
Women bring so much to this world. We deserve to be happy and safe. We deserve to be able to take care of ourselves and to teach our girls to do the same. Welcome the PNK files, the tools that will help you do that...
Awakening from Stress and Anxiety with Rev. Connie L. Habash
Being on your spiritual path doesn’t make you immune to the stresses of life. If you sometimes suffer from stress or anxiety, author Re...
Encore: David Essel - And then a “Saint” Showed Up!
With special guest David Essel in honour of and celebrating the life of his Saint.&nbs...
Education and How it's Done!
Encore: The Education of young children is essentially very simple once you’ve got the basic principles figured out. You need to be clear on what a child is, what you want them to learn, and how best to do it...
Angel Wisdom: Making Life Work with The Angel Lady Sue Storm!
The prespective of the Angels is always "spot on". They offer a new way of thinking. Viewing a problem or situation with Angelic Wisdom in the mix makes things more clear. Cornell, Angel of Decision-making and Caro...
Welcome to the Ghost Helpers Show!
Welcome everyone to our inaugural Ghost Helpers show! Got Ghosts? We’re your answer! We’re ghost helpers not ghost hunters because before madness set in, we finally figured out ...
Are you losing control of your emotions?
When you watch the rain-forest fires, children of immigrants separated from their parents, glaciers in Greenland disappearing or politicians acting selfishly, do you also feel sometimes so...
Encore: Who is Archangel Uriel? Inner Wisdom Illuminated
Archangel Uriel is known as the angel of Light, that c...
What Does It Mean to Be Multidimensional with Stevi Belle
We talk about multidimensional existence – what does that mean? Why is the exploration of consciousness important to our wellbeing? How do we transcend our physical form and engage in many vibra...
Change is the New Constant
Learn simple strategies to make business easier in a world of hyper-change.
What death can teach us about life...Going through the process of death...All of it.
During this show, Angie shares, through the tears and pain of loss, how it is possible to see the signs from beyond that we are never alone. Angie shares that at the time of death, our loved ones, share, we a...
More on Energy Medicine! Are we really all connected? Can a butterfly really flap its win...
Looking closer in to what’s going on beneath our vision, deeper into vibration. What is the Universal Field? Can we link up with this vibrational energy and impact the reality in which we sit?