Archived Episodes
Entering Sacred Dialogue and the Concept of Ayni
We’re always asking Spirit for help – asking for grace, for intercession on our behalf, for miracles. But should we be asking a bit differently? Should we be more balanced within the Univers...
Achieving the Ultimate Edge in Business with Kasey Frost
Multimillion dollar earner Kasey Frost
Guides from Beyond...Who are they and how do I find mine?
During this episode, Angie and her guest, Hari Bunn, discuss Spirit Guides. What are they? Does everyone have them? How do we access them? How can they help us navigate our lives while we are here on&nb...
Get People to Do What You Want with Maryann Karinch and Greg Hartley!
A former Army interrogator shares his secrets for getting exactly what you want out of anyone, anytime. In business, school, romance, or your neighborhood, it is valuable to know what attracts people, what ...
Today's show is all about the concept of Supernatural Sex, featuring the authors of the book Tantric Pathways, Somraj Pokras- a sexologist, and Dr. Jeffre Talltrees, a shamanic sex therapist. We will discsus Kundal...
Your Life Purpose made practical
We're putting the principles from episode 3 into practice, and we have an inspiring guest, to tell history. Jody Thompson has first-hand real life experience with the power of the CliftonStre...
It's Time for Colette and Her Dragons! Come & Play - call-in to the show at 1.800.930.2819!
Join Colette and her dragons from Tails From the Vector, maybe Stella will even join her. Colette will be offering 3 Card Consultations - we love hearing from you, so call-in to the s...
Court Historians Package & Sell History to You w/ Donald Jeffries
Donald Jeffries returns to the show to dig deeper into American History; not what the court historians have packaged and sold to us, but the real history as told by living family members, historical reports, and ot...
Encore: Love: how many kinds are there?
Today we will cover the types of love and how that evolves us and what the Knowledge Book says about it.
Is your organization prepared for increased stress, burnout & mental health issues report...
Recent, powerful research highlights the significant increase of employees with mental health issues and deep burnout, especially among Millennials and GenZers. Is it taboo in your organization to talk about stress...
The Courage to Change Everything with special guest Ken D. Foster!
Are you ready to find your courage and step into your destiny? The Courage to Change Everything will show you how to transcend your limitations, shape your consciousness and generate success uncommon to most. In th...
Healing Family Relationships
In today's show, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages about how we can utilize the spiritual knowledge that we know in theory and can pu...
Coffee Talk With Tracy L - How your perceptions mold your reality!
Did you know your perceptions of life mold your reality? What thoughts and perceptions do you have about a person, place or thing? What messages are you sending your body? It is within these messages that your body...
Encore: The Game of Life (Awakening Part 2)
Everything in life happens for a reason. We don't always know what the reason is and while it's not always worth digging too deeply into it, when you start adding the pieces together you will often get a game board...
Coffee Time ~ Need to be admitted to Wellness Rehab?
We ALL, believe it or not, are addicted to something or several things whether it is gambling, sex, drugs or rock-n-roll. For most of us when we think of anyone reducing or ridding an addi...
Difficult Diagnosis - what to do with a rare, difficult, incurable and unknown diagnosis
A rare, difficult, incurable or unknown diagnosis are among the most difficult to handle. What do you do? How do you feel? Is it hopeless? We can help! As Intuitives we go beyond traditional medicine and for real a...
Overcoming Your Top 5 Excuses
Mow down those excuses that stare down your dreams. Use Fresh Courage to eliminate self-limiting thoughts and overcome the brain’s default setting to avoid change. Be inspired, all over again, by Paul's docum...
The “Brother Sun, Sister Moon Musical Tour with special guest James Twyman, PhD!
St. Francis of Assisi is the most popular and beloved Catholic saint in the world. To most people he is the saint of the bird bath, represented through statues found in millions of gardens around the world, but the...
Rethinking the SAT and Other “Standardized” Tests: Dismantling Racism and Classism with M...
Join me for an engaging, challenging conversation with my two fabulous guests: Marta Elena Esquilin, Assistant Professor and Associate Dean of the Honors Living Learning Community at Rutgers Newark and Diana Norieg...
Promises, Promises - Keeping em and Breaking em
Broken promises.
Health Made Easy and Delicious with Dianne Solano and Special Guest Dr. Bob Rakowski
Why are we so unhealthy? When people make a food choice the top 2 factors are nearly universal - they want flavor and convenience. Most of these fast and yummy choices lead to poor health. Today we will introduce c...
Darlene Turner, Miss Chrissy D -Shining the Light on Domestic Violence.
Bringing awareness into the darkness around Spousal Abuse. It affects more women than ever imagined. There is so much shame, guilt, and s...
Friday, November 1, 2019
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Co-Hosts: Darlene Turner, Miss Chrissy D
Guest: Kornelia Stephanie
The Illusion of Money: Why Chasing Money Is Stopping You From Receiving It with Kyle Cease
Money can be one of our biggest stumbling blocks, whether we are longing for more of it or just fearing that there won’t be enough. In this conversation with Christine, comedian turned transformational speake...