Archived Episodes
Sometimes You're the Windshield - Sometimes You're the Bug
Why is that? It's because when you rise above the weeds you're not sure of what your seeing or doing! Get real with the Power of Your Thoughts and Beliefs—I+M=T (Inspiration+ Motivation = Transforma...
Gift Cards-Hunter! Budget Busters-Reddy! Transformative Technology-Mesnick! Medicare Plan...
Shelley Hunter "The Gift Card Girlfriend" shares insights to give you a jumpstart on the holiday season with tips on trends and themed gift cards! The National Retail Federation finds gift cards are the most reques...
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Shelley Hunter , Sri Reddy , Steven Mesnick , Darryl Means
Energetic Understanding from the Wolves
The Earth is composed of energy, which is rapidly changing with vacillating light levels and the eminations of mankind. This episode explains how wolves see and feel energy while explaining how it is useful to us. ...
Chakra Empowerment for Women: Working with your Energy Body to Heal, Awaken, and Manifest...
Learn ways to access and activate the individual energies available through your chakras when you need them in your daily life. Understand your feminine energy body, and how women's and men's energy cycles differ s...
Benedict Leads Holy See, Francis Leads Vatican, Queen Still Controls US w/ Anna Von Reitz...
Anna von Reitz rejoins the program to discuss how the United States Is not structured the way we have been told by our educators our entire lives. She explains how the country is set up as a private corporation wit...
Encore: Love: how many kinds are there?
Today we will cover the types of love and how that evolves us and what the Knowledge Book says about it.
On the Edge of Reflection: A Year in Review and Show and Tell!
Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a hit, international, live radio show? What goes on behind the scenes? How much preparation does it take to make it look so effortless? Master Healer Megan Edge and Dr...
Pets Talk with Dr. Monica Diedrich!
How Pets can communicate using picture telepathy and the help of an experienced Pet Communicator. Watch live on Facebook.
Putting to Rest the Ghosts of Christmas Past
In today's show, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages about how we can finally put to rest anything negative from our past that would de...
Embrace the Holidays And Call-in with Tracy L
As the holiday time approaches you can make many choices of what works for you and what does not. On today's episode, we will discuss energy tools you can use to make the season happier. Let's prepare for 2020 and ...
How Dreams Can Guide Your Life with Kelly Lydick
I find the dream state super fascinating. So when people started mentioning to me that their dream activity seems to have been increasing in the last year, I invited back, Kelly Lydick, a Gateway Dreaming Coac...
Encore: It's Coffee Time ~ YES your Family Wellness History & Habits affect YOU NOW
Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things W...
Obsessive Compulsive behaviors - there are natural solutions
Many people have mild Obsessive-Compulsive behaviors that get in the way of daily living. Most of those behaviors are not public and many people spend a lot of time trying to cover them up or deny them to oth...
Stretching the limits of who we are!
Find your sense of opportunity in growing older . . . with courage, playfulness, curiosity and a paradigm shift! Embrace your “bonus years” as a time of possibilities and fulfillment &ndas...
Recovery and the Celebrity Spotlight with guest Michael O'Leary!
Introducing Michael O’Leary with his credits: Michael O’Leary is a veteran Actor, Emmy nominated for his 26-year starring role as Dr. Rick Bauer on the US soap opera Guiding Lig...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year - but what if there’s no money?
Let’s get Physical! Watch live on Facebook.
Well-being in a Snap! Feel Instant Well-being on a REALLY Busy Day
Learn how to keep the sensation of well-being at all times. If you’re having this crazy busy day, there may be scenarios already in your head of where this day could go. Then ...
Your "Why" Not Working For You? Try on this Divine Truth
You have heard it before, “Know your Why” and we know that our Why needs to be stronger than our excuses. But, What if you don’t feel like your Why is strong enough to help you overcome your block...
The Energy Entrepreneur with Dianne Solano
The world is evolving and so are the ways we are leading as entrepreneurs! Your vibration, intention and frequency has a direct effect on the outcomes in your business and in your life. Join Kornelia and Dianne as ...
Encore: The Wheel of Projection with Dennis Gaither
In quiet would I look upon the world, which but reflects Your Thoughts, and mine as well. Let me remember that they are the same, and I will see creation’s gentleness. -A Cours...
Your Vivid Life
Christine talks about the current energies affecting us personally and politically. She also takes a call about lost love and...
The Kaleidoscope of Meaningful Money with Lisa Berry
Shifting ideas, endless symbols, and transforming perceptions of money. The value of abundance is different for us all yet money is a part of all of our lives. Do you make money, generate income, e...
Focusing – I Came, I Saw, I Conquered!
Buddha said, ‘All that we are is the result of what we have thought’. Are we letting a web of loosely associated thoughts which carry emotional charges from the past govern our lives? Le...