Archived Episodes
The energy of diets - the key to success!
If you ever tried to implement a diet and it didn’t work, the flaw was due to the “energy of your diet!” There are many diets and ways of losing weight but it always is the wrong focus, the focus ...
Are your relationships suffering? with Nancy Landrum
Tools to combat covid stress. Watch live on Facebook.
A Reason To Be with Norman McCombs
How does the past affect the present? How do the decisions our ancestors made centuries ago affect our lives now? What is our reason to be? These are all questions debut author Norman McCombs asks in his gripping h...
How to bounce back when times are tough with Mary Rose Campbell and Guest Cheryl "Chirl G...
Mary and Chirl Girl discuss the definition of resilience, and what it means to be resilient in the middle of a pandemic. They will also discuss how you can recover from difficult times and remind listeners that, re...
Empowering Children with Spiritual Gifts
Join Jaime and Nicole as they discuss how they help children navigate their way to an empowering stance when connecting with Spirit. Psychic Medium Jaime has 3 kids and shares how each one perceives spirit di...
What Intuition Feels Like in the Body V.S. Ego or Trauma
The inner chat going on in our heads make it challenging to recognize the voice of our intuition.The challenge gets bigger when we have unhealed wounds and we start to make decisions based on whathappen...
“Anxiety and Depression: Activate Your Vagus Nerve & Discover Natural Strategies that WOR...
“Anxiety and Depression: Activate Your Vagus Nerve & Discover Natural Strategies that WORK!" with Dianne Solano and Special Guest Dr. Navaz Habib
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, November 20, 2020
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Karen Armstrong , Kayla Hoffmeier , Sam Razzaghi , Kate Carey
Help from Angelic Attendant and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan
During these challenging times, wouldn’t it be helpful to have extra support from the angelic realm? In this conversation with Christine, author and psychic Julie Ryan shares how she went from being an invent...
Money and Soul: just evidence of more consumer spirituality?
"We are a culture tormented by scarcity and lack." As soon as I read this opening line of Kat Kim's essay, I knew I had to have her on the show. How do we "do" money differently? How do we escape the trap of not-en...
Near Death Experiences
Teresa Syms speaks about her near death experience
Finding Love (And Finding Yourself) After A Toxic Marriage with Kelli-Schroeder
Sarah talks with her friend and business woman, Kelli Schroeder, about her journey from getting out of her toxic relationship, to running a successful business, to finding a healthy love. Kelli's ...
Where Do We Go When We Pass?
Eye Of Soul Radio dives into the raw side of death. Psychic Medium Jaime will tackle some of question she frequently gets in her readings about where we go when we pass. Is it heaven? Does hell exist?&n...
Digesting 2020: An extra helping of helping yourself this Thanksgiving!
Watch live on Facebook. Call into the show 800-930-2819
Stop avoiding change, and instead make it your default.
You could say 2020 has been the year of change. Very little this year has gone the way most people expected it to go at the beginning of the year. However even though there has been significant change i...
Live Call in Show to ask your Angels a question live on the air! I am accepting emailed questions as well as call in's. Limit one call per person please!
Family, & Holidays, & COVID: Oh, My!
As winter holidays draw near many of us grow anxious as we anticipate more interation with more family members. Even in this year of limited travel where we may have to replace face-to-face interactions with online...
The Vegas Nerve and Many More
Mary Jane Mack has been committed to helping people all of her adult life. At the age of 20 she became a registered Nurse and for 18 years, worked in Labor and Delivery and in Surgical Recover...
Three Keys to Freeing Yourself From Suffering with guest host Susan Dolci and her special...
Unbeknownst to you, your life has hidden some of the very best gifts it has for you inside your most painful and challenging circumstances. If you are unaware of their purpose at the time they happen, such events m...
Reclaim your life with Zero Frequency with Mabel Katz
We are living in a time when many people are feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders—global and personal stress, financial challenges, illness, loneliness, depression and lack of purpose. ...
Encore: 111 Your Thoughts are Powerful Manifesting Tools
On 111 (November 11th) the universe delivers a gift you won’t wan...
Cleaning Homes to Selling Homes to Family Dynasty
Dynamic real estate brokerage owner Pennie Carroll articulates fluently the process of becoming the number two real estate firm in the Des Moines, Iowa metro. Tears over a fax machine. What true represe...
Improving Today’s Medicine – From Stagnation to Flow
Today’s allopathic medicine is technologically brilliant. However, in moving away from the ancient, indigenous approach including natural therapies, medicine became static and stagnant, and some...
Changing Ourselves to Change the World: Self-Healing as Activism
How do we become the change we want to see? This episode discusses the importance of doing our inner work alongside of external actions to actualize collective social transformation. Watch live on Facebook....