Archived Episodes
The Power of Reinventing Yourself to Align with the Success You Seek
The power to change the way you see yourself and align with the highest version of yourself. I will provide three practical approaches that can be used to help with aligning with the highest version of oneself.
Do You Have Leaky Gut? with Special Guest, Brendan Coates
Tune in this week as I host Special Guest and Certified Clinical Nutiritionist, Brendan Coates for an episode dedicated to your gut health. Discover the sysmptoms of leaky gut and how to tell if you have...
Do Unto Earth: It’s Not Too Late with Authors Penelope Jean Hayes & Carole Serene Borgens
Can you imagine receiving answers to your most thought-provoking questions about life on Earth, spanning topics from historical events to present-day environmental issues? That’s what happened when author and...
Friday, December 18, 2020
Host: Christine Upchurch
Guests: Penelope Jean Hayes , Carole Serene Borgens
Breathing into Abundance: The Art of Being before Doing
When working with the laws of the Universe and money, the advice is often to be in the vibration of what you want before you take any action. How do you know what that means? How do you know when you are in the vib...
Psychic Oracle Directional Readings-Countdown to 2021
Join World Renowned Psychic Medium Jaime as she takes call ins and write ins for her famous "Directional Oracle Card Readings" led by spirit. Jaime will be pulling cards to help you get a jump start on 2021.&...
How to Live Your Best Life After a Toxic Relationship
In this episode Sarah K. Ramsey shares tips on how to live your best life after a toxic relationship. She gives listenersTrue Hope, not "magical thinking". How can you be the amazing,wonderful, kind, loving, caring...
How has 2020 changed our views on leadership?
I ask you what really is leadership? How do you become a leader? And has 2020 and all that we have experience changed our expectations around leadership? In this episode we are going to talk about what makes ...
Mindfulness as an Effective Way to Support College Students
Daniel J. Pineau, a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at the University of Mississippi discusses his research on disseminating evidence-based mental health information including mindfulness, psychoeduc...
The Mary Jane Mack Show
Watch live on Facebook.
Encore: Shamanic Mysteries of Peru: The Heart Wisdom of the High Andes with Linda Star W...
An Experiential Guide to the Sacred Places and Teachings of Andean Shamanism. The Andes Mountains of Peru are rich with ancient shamanic traditions, sacred places, and heart wisdom passed down from the Inca and saf...
Do you believe in miracles? - Featuring Dr. Michael Rosso
We have entered the age of disbelief. As cynicism and populism relentlessly attack science and common sense and the lines between lies and truth become almost indistinguishable, doubt and ...
Angel Insights: Jupiter Saturn Conjunction and 2021 Forecast
The age of Aquarius brings innovation, creativity and community.
Resilience AND Resolutions – Moving Forward With Our Dreams.
We have been called lately to stay resilient and grounded despite unbelievable challenges and chaos. Sometimes it feels as if all we have energy for is to just hold the line. However, we need to keep vi...
The Poetics of Liberation: A Conversation with Spoken Word Artist Rajnii Eddins
In this episode Trish dialogues with activist and poet Rajnii Eddins about the role of spirituality and the imagination in ending white supremacy, and the conscious decision to choose joy in the face of injustice.
The SOUND BEINGS Rita & Phil Crosbie
I am so very excited to share this amazing couple with you. Rita & Phil are both whole Conscious Beings who promote and resonate Healing on so many levels for ALL. On the show they will be doing...
Parenting to Foster a Child’s Inner Compass with Kristin Pierce
So many of us so-called grown-ups struggle with connecting to our own inner wisdom; a life long journey of ever-growing potential. How, then can we foster this connection when parenting our children? Kristin Pierce...
The Gift of Christmas Presence: 7 Tips for Handling Holiday Stress
We made it through Thanksgiving, Hanukkah is over in a few days and Christmas is fast approaching. So many of us are still trying to "make the season merry and bright" amidst a pandemic and so much loss. If t...
Finding Peace Through Surrender During Times Of Grief & Loss with Special Guest Angela De...
The death of a beloved pet or loved one. Witnessing the physical and mental decline of an elderly parent. Loss of a job, and sense of “normalcy.” These can all push us into a tailspin, creating a bottom...
The Case Against Mindfulness with Guest Host Mariangela Maguire
That's right. There are those who have significant concerns about the mindfulness movement. In the spirit of mindfulness, of being aware of what we believe, let's talk about those concerns. Watch live on Fa...
Lucas Mack And Tracy L..Change, Deep State..God Wins
Have you asked yourself what is taking so long to have the dark exposed more. Do you find yourself watching what is unfolding in your world and sometimes want to scratch your head? Do you question how can this be t...
Eclipse Today - an energy way to make it work for you!
December 14, is the day of a solar eclipse that can create a lot of intensity in your life and we’re going to show you how that intensity can work for you! Thi...
It Will Never Happen to Me: Growing Up with Addiction as Youngsters, Adolescents, and Adu...
Claudia Black's bestselling classic on the experience and legacy of being raised in an addictive household. In an all too familiar scenario, played out in millions of homes every day, children who grow up i...