Archived Episodes
Join Colette for 3 Card Readings With the Deck
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Growing Up Seeing Ghosts with Special Guest Britta Albert
Did you grow up experiencing supernatural things? How did you cope with it? Did you have anyone you could confide in? Like a lot of young children Britta had the ability to see beyond the veil but not all the adult...
We Are All in SHOCK: Energy healing for traumatic times with Stephanie Mines, PhD
We Are All in Shock provides the tools for reclaiming complete well-being after overwhelming experiences of shock, whether caused by the massive sweep of current events or a personal catastrophe. D...
New Hope for (TBI) Traumatic Brain Injury-Dr. Haider! On The Trail of Delusion-Litwin!
Dr. Huma Haider discusses her amazing journey from Pakistan to Texas to revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of TBI! Millions of people suffering from traumatic brain injury each year in the United States have...
What Are You Consenting Too? Call In Show...
So you think 1800 an ounce is expensive for Gold. You go That will never happen? How will you feel having no insurance and waking up with an empty bank account. Did you know many businesses have had their bank acco...
Empathy is Your Power
As we search to find a new normal, to find common ground, and find ways to move forward and make a difference, empathy just may be more important now than ever. Female leaders may have an underu...
The Ultimate Love!
Self love is a cliche because many talk about it but few really understand what it is! Most see it as a mild form of self-indulgence and pampering but frankly that&r...
Liberating Yourself from LYME-Part 2 with guests Vir McCoy and Dr. Angelica Lemke
Liberating Yourself from LYME: An Integrative and Intuitive Guide to Healing Lyme Disease. Call in! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook.
Where Wonder Lives: Practices for Cultivating the Sacred in Your Daily Life with Fabiana ...
Where Wonder Lives invites you on a journey through your own inner landscape to reawaken the mystery of life. Readers are led through a rich set of contemporary and time-honored practices--from mindfulness and drea...
Episode #3 - Sowing The Seeds - with Ursula Dekker
Today's episode falls on Imbolc - the point of mid-winter and the beginning of Spring (in the Northern hemisphere). Hannah will draw three 'Earth Magic' oracle cards for live guidance on how we can best use&nb...
“Demystifying the Akashic Records”
Using the Akashic Records as a grounded, real life tool to support you in creating and living the life of your dreams.
With A Dream In the Heart
Having a dream in your heart and not much knowledge in your head is the perfect start for a business. Paul Van Cleave and Coach Christine Clark take a winding walk through whimsy, nostalgia, community, taking...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, January 29, 2021
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Jess Arce , Tara Stricker , Lora Kirby , Carol Ward
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, January 29, 2021
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Joy White Peacock , Dr. Kate Steiner , Dr. Derrick Noble , Joseph James Nantomah
The Creative Cure with Jacob Nordby
The Creative Cure is a call for a revolution, fostering change where all change must begin: within. In this conversation with Christine, author and creative coach Jacob Nordby shares ...
How To Grieve: A Conversation With Susan Ways
Grief. At some point it finds each and everyone of us. Susan's experience grieving the loss of her husband inspired her to start her own podcast to support those who are grieving. Sarah and Susan's conversatio...
The Silver Lining Consciousness of 2021
They have been called the Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence of silver-lining consciousness & manifestation. Tune in to vibe up and turn that old lining into silver gold and platinum. Powerful talk and inspir...
Encore: The Power of Powerful Words
The language, words and meaning we use are important because they are creative. Inspiring and beautiful words have a power to create the life experience our heart desires. Join Sarah as she explores this timeless w...
Writing through it all
My guest, author, editor, book-writing coach, and founder of ClickClack Writing, LLC, Kate Leibfried, joins me to talk about the restorative power of writing.
Fetal Surgery-Dr. Hedrick! The Rugged Entrepreneur-Andrew!
Dr. Hedrick is on hand to discuss advancing technology and how fetal surgery can help save and better the lives of many children worldwide. 1 in every 33 babies is born with a birth defect. *Ja...
Driving at Your Full Power Potential
What Are Your Full Power Potential Gifts? Watch live on Facebook.
The Social Dilemma: The Decision That Changed The Way I Choose To Live My Life and Run M...
How many out there are actively on social media platforms for personal or professional use? What if I told you that the technology that connects us also