Archived Episodes
The Power of Color
Each color has a spiritual meaning. Color brings emotion to the surface, peace within, and is associated with all aspects of our life. Color and emotions are closely linked. Each color tells a story. We are drawn t...
2021 April Fools Day like no other
Fool me once shame on you…Fool me twice shame on me! Really? Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to: ...
Mindfulness is a scam? Or is this April 1?
My work as a life coach and this podcast encourage mindfulness so it might seem odd that my goal today is to explain the case against mindfulness. But being mindful does not mean giving up our critical thinking ski...
Ang4ic April Showers with Sue Storm -The Angel Lady
The Angels can shower you with blessings. These are special rewards to uplift and awaken your spirit. Angelic blessings can come in the form of Miracles or nice surprises. Eileen, the Angel of Happiness...
Mentor's Impact, Manifestation & Human Potential
Watch live on Facebook.
What answers are you truly hungry for? with Special Guest George Herrick
Let's get answers on addiction, recovery, and living extraordinarily well. Join me, Robin Clare, as I launch Hungry for Answers with my special guest, George Herrick, Certified Master Life Coach, Recovery Coach, an...
Vampire Hunting
Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole go vampire hunting for energy vampires. Energy vampires live in the shadows and can strike at any time. Jaime and Nicole cast a bright light on these vampires and help y...
Climate Shock with Special Guest Dr. Stephanie Mines
Prepare for Climate Shock Now. Climate Shock happens when the reaction to disastrous environmental conditions adheres to layers of earlier trauma. Your nervous system is likely to signal an old coping mechanism whe...
Astrology for Mystics: Exploring the Occult Depths of the Water Houses in Your Natal Char...
In Astrology for Mystics, Tayannah Lee McQuillar explores the 4th, 8th, and 12th houses--those connected with the element of water and all things occult, mystical, and spiritual. The author guides ...
Nuggets of Wizdom from Colette: The "Worm" - Full Moon is supercharged! What is callin...
What is calling you? Answer the Call! The Full Moon in March is a supermoon! Now is a great time to manifest a beautiful future in time for the new moon on April 12, 2021! What is calling you? A...
How Does Your Past Really Catch Up With You? KARMA with Guest Host Valerie Trujillo
What is Karma? Why do we go through karma? How and can we get rid of it? Watch live on Facebook. www.f...
Vibrational Nutrition: Understanding the Energetic Signature of Foods with Candice Covington
Learn exciting new ways to use food and cooking as energetic medicine and how you can use this skill set to directly work with emotional, spiritual, and mental states. Explore the dynamic of food narratives (just a...
The Friendship Hour With The TLC Community Members
Join me and members of the Miraculous Academy and Evolutionary the FRIENDSHIP HOUR! Share how they have changed their life, connected to the God of their understanding and how to expand their life. Enjoy...
Archeology of your life - time to dig up the old stuff!
Have you ever dreamed of being an Archeologist where you dig for the secrets of the past? The most important “dig” you’ll ever do is the one that is personal! We will talk about digging up the sto...
Getting to the Truth about Addiction and Recovery with Guest Robin H. Clare
Join Dr. Pat as she interviews Robin Clare, Recovery Coach and Best-Selling spiritual author of Feast & Famine: Healing Addiction with Grace. Robin will share with us the spiritual perspective on the source of ...
Angelic Connections & Angel Readings with Guest Host Psychic Medium Jaime
Join Psychic Medium Jaime as she explores the different categories of the angelic realms from her perspective. Angels are underutilized and can help us in so many ways. All we have to do is ask for help and guidanc...
Episode #10 - Actively Tending To Your Grief - with Rochelle Bugg
Having lost both parents by her mid-20s, Rochelle Bugg felt there wasn't much support for people her age. She found that nobody was talking about how things affect young people, as if they were too busy enjoying li...
Do You Take Sides
Do you take sides? Or do you allow yourself to change your mind when new information comes to light? Join Sean & Karen as they discuss this topic.
Spring Equinox Special with the Arcturians!
Join us for a Spring Equinox special with the Arcturians! Spring Equinox invites us to return to a perfect state of balance, equality and paced relationships between shadow and light aspects. What higher aspects of...
Hone Your Happiness- from the Inside Out
From birth, happiness is the natural state humans are designed to be in. Unless their basic needs aren't being met (e.g. sleep, food, being nutured) babies and children are almost always full of joy, happines...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. dStruggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories t...
Let’s Get Physical: Functional Movements You are Missing in Your Workouts.
What does physical fitness mean? Does it mean that you are thin or weigh a certain amount? Does it mean you are strong? To a certain degree yes ion both points. Physical fitness includes your overall state of healt...
Courage To Be Confident
Are you confident in your body? How do you think about your body? Body confidence can be cultivated with a positive mindset. Simple, effective tools exist that can help you transform your thoughts...