Archived Episodes
Encore: When Your Confidence Is In the ICU
Kate went from being a high-flying Los Angeles attorney to being an exile in a Midwest farm town and in the process lost her confidence. She reclaimed her confidence as she trained to be an executive coach and lear...
What does “re-claiming” your life look like, and how do you start? with Guest Life Coach ...
Life Coach Rikki Schwartz, talks about her life coaching brand “My Turn Life Coaching”, and what it actually means to reclaim your life Watch live on Facebook.
Confidence and Compassion
How Does Understanding Your Personality Preferences Help You Build Confidence? Watch live on Facebook.
Transforming the World with Tom Cronin
How do we find our way through these challenging times? How can we built resilency and cultivate and inner world of calm and clarity? On this episode of The Spark, Film Producer, Transformational Life Coach, ...
I don’t Want to Talk About It
Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole bring a spiritual perspective and tackle topics most won’t touch. Family secrets, self-sabotage, unforgivable mistakes, suicide, infidelity, drug and alcohol abuse...
Feeling the Burn!
Feeling the Burn! For caregiver's of all stripes, burnout is a real and present danger. May is Mental Health Awareness and I'd like to discuss caregiver burnout. As single parent to a mentally ill child I o...
How to Stop Procrastinating...NOW!
Why do we procrastinate? It's probably not what you think. [Hint: It's not related to laziness or poor time management]. I've spent years researching the psychologa...
Connect with Extraterrestrials with Guest Gloria Rodriquez
Glo, a Portal Journey Ambassador, shares the strong relationship she has with her Extraterrestrial family. You will learn why her crazy good life is a synchronized orchestration.
Beyond the Flower of Life with Guest Maureen St Germain
If you are looking to enhance the MerKaBa practice or are ready to take it to the next level, or already practicing this book was written with you in mind. If you are looking for more heart centered awareness and u...
Answers about Ascension: with Guest Jennifer Hoffman
Jennifer Hoffman, intuitive, explains ascension, including physical and emotional symptoms and methods of adapting to new vibrations. Jennifer speaks about necessary adapatations to the new energies and how t...
Do You Want to Get Well? Choosing Zoe Life with Guest Host Caleb Matthews
We live in a society where many people & world systems are choosing darkness & over-focusing on the problem rather than the answer! Fear has become an obsession & a religion. However, there ...
Ep. 7 - How to Create Magic from the Rude Awakenings at Midlife!
Dr. Lisa Petty started her career in as a holistic nutritionist and health researcher and quickly became recognized internationally as a speaker, journalist, award-winning author, and media health expert. After sev...
How a Senior Placement Agent Can Save You Time and Stress with Cameron Crawford
Are you missing this person from your CareHero™ Toolbox? Senior Placement Agent Cameron Crawford shares how a local agent provides the service that might be missing from your tool...
Steeling is Believing, Trust Your Elements with Coach Christine Clark
Do you believe you in your magnificent future? Can you vision a life of abundance, love, flow? At your core you are designed for that. The Steel used to make a katana is specifically chosen for it's properties. It ...
Contacts with the Gods from Space-Pathway to the New Age with Richard Lawrence
Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence for a glimpse into UFOs, channelling, the New Age on Earth and how to build it. Discover more about Contacts with the Gods from Space, their message to us on E...
The Friendship Hour With The Evolutionary Mastermind Gang
Tune in to hear inspiring new words from souls who have been in the Evoltuionary Mastermind. Why you want to push yourself outside your comfort zone. Why it is not easy and why now is the time to jump on board!! Th...
003: Dr. Keith Roberts | Developing Communication Channels with The Body – A New Approach...
“Why should ill people who don’t even feel like getting out of bed, have to drag themselves from office to office, clinic to clinic, in search of someone who could figure out what is going on in their b...
Women Who Radiate Wealth Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Susan Axelrod
Showing up as you are and Having fun in Business. Our focus is on Women's Entrepreneurship aiming to Empower Female Entrepreneurs. In this episode, we talk about; have you ever purchased something for your personal...
Liquid Collagen, Osteostrong, and Strength Training for Seniors
JOYCE MORAN, training & education manager, YOUTHEORY Liquid Collagen & Turmeric powder for beautiful hair, skin and nails Debbie Wilzbach, trainer, OSTEOSTRONG the fit...
Laying the Foundation with Dr. Pat Baccili
For newbies or those needing a refresher, we will discuss basic Information about the Enneagram, the Enneagram Diagram and it's various components. We will talk about how the Enneagram is part of many ancie...
Spirit Partners For Life Episode 2 - Honoring Native American Spirituality (with Special ...
Spirit Partners For Life is an ongoing monthly series on every 4th Monday of the Month. Co-hosted by Pam's husband David Buck, this will be a rich conve...
What do Singing Bowls and Jungian Psychotherapy Have in Common?
In this episode, I'll dive deep into new practices with magical singing bowls as we discuss how Jungian Analyst Jennifer Embry uses vibrational sound as a powerful tool in therapy sessions with her clients.
Imposter syndrome - ever feel that way?
We are taught to “fake it until we make it” or “act as if” in order to move forward and feel confident but it’s one of the biggest misconceptions about how people work! There are authe...