Archived Episodes
Critical Strategies to Accelerate EDI in University Colleges and Counseling Centers with ...
I am excited to welcome Dr. Dakesa Pina, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer in the College of Education, Illinois State University to the Show! We will explore effective strategies to accelerate EDI and social ...
Encore: Have YOU ever felt like You were Between Two WORLDS? with Guest Host Patricia McN...
Join me and my Guest Brian Francis as we take you on an adventure sharing about his experiences in creating his new book Between Two Worlds. Spiritual Writings and Photographs. Watch live on Facebook.
Clean Lines and a Perfect Grind
Terry Knipshield came from a childhood when carrying a pocketknife was not just acceptable behavior but expected. A love and respect for quality tools with clean lines drew him into the world of custom knife ...
Encore: MindScape: The Power Of The Mind with MindScape Instructor Sufen Paphassarang
Karen is featuring Sufen Paphassarang, a MindScape instructor. What is MindScape you ask? MindScape is a technique that works to reshape mental terrain and free the mind from limitations and preconceived constructs...
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Host: Karen Betten
Co-Host: Colette Marie Stefan
Guest: Sufen Paphassarang
The Power of Intention with That Energy Guy, David Arms
Did you know you are a powerful human being? Did you know you can change your life simply by setting your Intention? Join on the Sharing Love and Light Show as Kimberly interviews That Energy Guy, David Arms, ...
A Mother's Journey Back to Self: How Self-Care Makes you the Mom Your Kids Deserve with H...
We know you love your kids, but do you find yourself overwhelmed and exhausted most of the time? Do you have little to no time for self-care or self-expression and you're are quickly burning out.? How do you ...
Act on your Passion with Special Guest Glo Rod
Expressing Your True Natural Self! Watch live on Facebook.
Spiritually we are one. Can we talk? with Laura Meeks
In a world that is turning more tribal and less accepting of change, how can we learn to talk to each other without arguing? Watch live on Facebook.
Ep #2: ADHD Procrastination vs Mental Paralysis: When you just can't get started
Many different traits of ADD or ADHD make it hard to get started. Most of the time, people say they're procrastinating or 'overwhelmed" when they 're really mentally paralyzed for other reasons. Plain old procrasti...
The Power of Meditation with Animals in Transforming Your Life
Join Us Live Tues, Aug 3, 9 a.m. PT... Meditation can be challengi...
Encore: Freedom Is Important!
What does freedom mean to you? Why is it such an important topic these days and why is your system feeling a strong need to have freedom like never before. How the past life energies are effecting you now and how y...
Self Realization and The Inner Child: Part 5 with Kornelia Stephanie and Nadine Searle
If you are anything like me, you are faced with meeting your inner child, the one who has been crying for your attention all your life is yearning for your love and approval. The wounded inner child is calling so t...
Women Who Radiate Wealth Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Susan Axelrod
Welcome to the Women Who Radiate Wealth Podcast –where we show up as we are and Have fun in Business. Our focus is on Women’s Entrepreneurship where we Empower Female Entrepreneurs. We share with you fi...
Family Medicine Doctor with Special Guest Chris Yee
Chris Yee, MD is a Physician Coach and the founder of Life Abundant Consulting, LLC. His work is shifting how medical professionals and patients engage so that patients become the leader of their own journey to imp...
Mid-Life Health, Probiotics, and The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs
Marc Bubbs, N.D., author. PEAK 40 Mid-Life Health for a leaner, stronger body and a sharper mind Derek Oh, founder, UTIVA cranberry, D-Mannose & Pr...
Blueprint for Thriving on Your Terms
Thrive - to prosper or flourish. Don't we all wish to thrive and not just survive? Choosing to thrive will push you out of your comfort zone and may feel harder than surviving especially initially. But is sur...
Are you struggling with your biggest issue? - most solutions don’t work!
We’ve been working with people’s biggest issues for over 20 years! Frankly, they’re not easy to overcome but much of the problem is working with pe...
When Bad Teams Happen to Good People with Guest Dr. Valerie Patrick
The teamwork troubleshooter we all need! Turn your team into a cohesive unit. Why do some team members not get along? What is the best way to get new teams and ad-hoc teams to maximize their performance in the leas...
The Great Pyramid Void Enigma: The Mystery of the Hall of the Ancestors with Scott Creighton
Reveals the extraordinary purpose of the newly discovered “Big Void” within the Great Pyramid of Giza. Exploring the controversy surrounding the Big Void, Creighton artfully debunks many of the th...
Eradicating Exhaustion – Know When to Say When
Whether you're Harry and Meghan, Simone Biles, a CEO or a single Mom, the time will inevitably come when you simply must stand up for yourself and know when to walk away. Tune in for #MythBusters Walking away is no...