Archived Episodes
Episode 12 - with Guest Kara Hoholik - CEO Mom Managing it ALL
Joined by our guest, Kara Hoholik, bringing to light something that so many people experienced in these last 20 months working, for her building a business, while also managing virtu...
Stepping Into Feminine Divinity (Part 4) with Kornelia Stephanie and Meena Puri
Join Kornelia Stephanie and Meena Puri as we continue the conversation on what it means to step into your feminine Divinity. In this podcast we talked some specifics on what it means to be in you feminine energy. O...
Ethical Treatment of Animals, Vaccine Wars, and Scalar Light
INGRID NEWKIRK, founder, People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals author, 250 vital things your cat wants you to know CHRISTOPHER SHAW,...
Soul Freedom! Demystifying Light Language with Chernise Spruell, + Live #FreedomReadings
In this podcast, Suzanne Alexandria interviews the amazing Chernise Spruell, channeler of Archangels & Ascended Masters. We talk about how we are demystifying Light Language bec...
Health reimagined - a radical perspective!
I am so excited about this show because I’ve seen and been thinking about health for years. It will turn what you believe about wellness and well-being on it’s head! The radical perspective ...
Meet Relationship Experts and Power Couple Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC
Dr. Pat welcomes her guests Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC to her show for the first time. Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton will tell us about their book, A Blessed Affair, Tips to staying Married 4 Life...
Our African Unconscious: The Black Origins of Mysticism and Psychology with Edward Bynum
In this extensive look at the unfolding of human history and culture, Edward Bruce Bynum reveals how our collective unconscious is African. Drawing on archaeology, DNA research, depth psychology, and the biological...
#23 - A Staggering Historic Change To The Ancient Wisdom
In alchemy, transmutation is the process of changing base metals into gold. It is about changing the nature of something into something higher. In the New Age transmutation is about something far more important tha...
Dance that transforms with Special Guest Sadie Marquardt
Today's episode shares the transformative ways dance - specifically "bellydance" - can affect change from the inside to out over a period of time. "Bellydance" comes from cultures where it is done for celebration o...
Episode 12 - An Energetic Perspective: Scalar Light & The Promise of New Technology
What if you could have access to the next new version of something that could change the world? It takes courage to be a pioneer. It takes courageous choice to continue advocating...
Leaving the Corporate World Behind to Pursue Your Passion with Special Guest, Trish Campb...
This week on Episode 6 of The Path to Being Fifty and Free Show: "Leaving the Corporate World Behind to Pursue Your Passion".
Extraordinary Awakenings with Steve Taylor, PhD
Why do some people who experience the worst in life respond by feeling defeated while others respond by spiraling upward into a higher functioning, more awakened state? In this conversation with Christine,...
Faith is her Lifeguard, Hope is Her Strength and Self-love is Her Cure
In 2010, Michele’s health became life threatening. Shortly after climbing a steep mountain to save her life, Michele thought about ending her life. ...
Building Strong Relationships
The premise of this podcast is that we are in relationship with money, a Soul Money Relationship. What makes a good relationship? What's your responsbility and what's your partner's responsibility? How does this wo...
Consciousness and Unconsciousness - Part 2
In this episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and The Realm of Beings continue their discussion of the quote: "You can know where your Unconscious is by the realities you create and the people who surround you and interac...
Stepping Into Feminine Divinity (Part 3) with Kornelia Stephanie and Meena Puri
A podcast Episode with Kornelia Stephanie and Meena Puri A major part of stepping into your own divinity is to peel away the definitions, the limitations, the meaning imposed on women for centuries. This is no easy...
Episode 8: Women Who Radiate Wealth with Kornelia Stephanie and Susan Axelrod
Welcome to the Women Who Radiate Wealth Podcast –where we show up as we are and Have fun in Business. Our focus is on Women’s Entrepreneurship where we Empower Female Entrepreneurs. We share with you fi...
Are you doomed to repeat your parents' mistakes? With Guest Tina Kinney Clarke
In this episode, Tina and I discuss her parenting journey and the idea that the Universe provides you what you need. As a little girl, Tina always picked up on feelings around her a...
Grief and Gratitude during the holidays
We’ve all had moments where we felt like we didn’t belong, felt left out, and the excruciating pain of loss of a loved one. There are many books written about what to do with grief, loss, and pain. Tune...
How to to feel better about yourself when you feel stuck along your life’s path
Uncover where you are in the "Freedom from Fear Vessel" and open yourself up to making decisions from the heart. In this show, he...
How you can transition from surviving to thriving
In this challenging year you may be doing everything you can do to survive. However, what if you could do more than just survive, what if you could thrive. You can, and you can start today. You sh...
Who's This Chic?
While degrees, certifications, and classes all offer great proficiency and knowledge, there's nothing that can outweigh real life experience. With so many self-help peeps out there, what makes Allyson's work so dif...
Choosing your Empowered Life with special guest, Kimberly Crowe
We'll talk about the energies and how to utilize them . What might be stirred up now? How to disconnect from the Mind Matrix when the world is telling us how to be, what to think, and how to act. ...