Archived Episodes
Are Your Stars and Planets Lining up for 2023?
A little piece of heaven falling to earth - You just have to see it!
Stepping Free of Fear – Taking Action with the F.U.S.E. Program
Many today are afflicted by fear, doubt and insecurity, but there is no need to live this way. There is a simple, easy and practical way to go free, the steps are simple, the path is clear, and the end is so ...
Receiving Spiritual Guidance with special guest- Joy Foster
This episode we continue our deep connections with The Divine. Pam will be interviewing Joy Foster of High Vibes with Joy about her business and how she allows herself to be a channel for Source. J...
Fear Factored
Fear feels larger than our lives at times. It certainly keeps us stuck in place, safety in a cage. What if you could learn from your fear, let it show you the way through and learn to use it, instead ...
From Attacked, Kidnapped, and Traumatized, to Grateful and Thriving!
Have you ever wondered where the people are today from the headlines you’ve read about being attacked, kidnapped, abused, traumatized? Look no more, Trish Smith is that person. Today, she will take you on a j...
Let’s speak about the elephant in the room!
Did you ever try to change something about yourself, your life, your family but found yourself ending up in the same kind of situation, habit or the same unwanted results? Watch Live on FB&nb...
Special Guest: Blake Bauer
In this episode, Dr. Tassel speaks with Blake Bauer, an internationally recognized author, counselor, and alternative medicine practitioner on the topic of unconditional self love. The discussion includes surr...
Recovery Storytelling with Felisha Hunter
Felisha Hunter is a Nurse, Recovery Coach, Author, and Podcaster but most importantly she is a person in recovery for substance use, trauma, and codependency. She continues to live a sober life through the lenses o...
Learning how to go from Reactive Motivation to Responsive Motivation.
Are you questioning your ability to get stuff done? Do you feel like you consistently live more in a “I should be doing more” vs. “I’m proud of what I have done?” Do you ever question ...
You Are Not Your Body; Learning to Navigate Your Housing
During this episode, Lynda will give you examples of how you can recognize the difference between your body and what it needs versus your spirit and soul and what they need. She'll also share several personal stori...
Ep. 65 How to Empower the Woman on the Inside
Ep. 65 How to Empower the Woman on the Inside Today on BossUp Babes … I will be talking to Dawn Benjamin
Follow Up Episode - Susan Rose
Susan Rose was on the first episode of The Business Mind. During that episode she discovered her new focus of her coaching practice. That focus was on working with introverts in the work place. ...
Asking Your Angels To Support You In Difficult Times
In times of stress, crissis or emergancy are you remembering to ask your Angel Team for Support and Assistance. In this episode, Cindy Smith and Deb Weinberger will be discussing how the Angels can as...
Monday, January 9, 2023
Host: Cindy Smith AEP
Co-Hosts: Sam Bell RN, Deborah Weinberger, Nola Peacock
Quality Aloe Vera, Time To Awaken, and I Used To Have Cancer
KAREN MASTERSON KOCH ALOE LIFE using Aloe Vera to improve digestion, gain mental clarity, have more energy and healthy, beautiful skin what to look for in a quality Alo...
Trusting Your Inner Guidance
Do you trust yourself? Navigating life experiences with your conscious awareness
Dysfunction of the other side – what most people miss or deny!
Many people deny the existence of another dimension and hold onto the false belief that the physical world is all there is. For those who believe that there is a non-physical dimensi...
THE POWER OF INTENTION for Your 2023 Life In Full Expression
In today's Episode of the Power of Intention You'll Discover the 4 Key Elements to not just Understand Intention but How to Employ it in Your Life Today. Key Elements: Consciou...
A Whole New You
Now that we are a few days into the new year, the pressure to make resolutions, articulate goals, find your mission, live your vision, and change your life is on! There is an allure to the ideas around having a cle...
Quiet Firing, Workplace Culture, and MIndset Shifts
Bringing everything together about the state of the workplace today and what we can do about it. Buzz words like Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting have been front and center, and now we’re talking about Qu...
Sun Worshippers, Christmas, and New Year's Inspiration!
Are you a Sun Worshipper? Can we love the world without liking it? What really matters at Christmas? And some New Year's inspiration for spiritual workers everywhere!
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, January 6, 2023
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Rachel Claire Farnsworth , Tawanna Woolfolk LCSW, Nirmala Raju , Kimberly Henry
Entrepreneur Woman
We will talk about health, and how we can thrive with good food and social environmental justice. Zion will share about the struggle of women in business - especially black women. However, women can and do thrive...
51. Results Guaranteed
Join me today as I share with you the reasons why we don’t achieve our goals and the ONE thing that is needed in order to guarantee the results you want in your life this year. This episode is for...
Reborn At Every Moment
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne along with the Realm of Beings unpack the quote: "You are reborn each day, each moment as you journey through your life experiences."