Archived Episodes
"Second Chances" How the Angels can help you find love again!
Join Sam and Cindy as they share how their Angel Teams helped them find love again! They will be covering subjects like 'conscious uncoupling' and their experiences of 'nurturing a blended family' as well as sharin...
Monday, February 20, 2023
Hosts: Cindy Smith AEP, Sam Bell RN
Co-Hosts: Deborah Weinberger, Nola Peacock
Guests Jolie Root, Kim Bright, Robert A. Winn, MD
JOLIE ROOT, senior nutritionist, CARLSON how much fish oil EPA and DHA do you need to improve heart health KIM BRIGHT, founder, BRIGHTCORE using sweet wheat WHEATGRASS j...
Soul Transformation
We will talk about the revolutioanary healing modaltiy that allows you to heal you while having fun. We will talk with Jennifer Amanda Long on this very cool modality to core healing.
Deep Fulfillment is Possible
On today's episode of Get Rooted Radio, join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Krysti Turznik, as they assist listeners in discovering the missing pieces that have been keeping you stuck....
Sex, Love and Evolution – key to life?
What is the most important energy to use as a key to Life? There is a Harvard study that has been going on for years trying to determine the key to happiness. No, its not sex, drugs ...
Making Peace Within Ourselves -- Move through Resistance and Align from your Life In Full...
IN THIS EPISODE: We'll Discover that one of the first stages of real Transformation has to do with making peace with ourselves Learning to love even something that was diffic...
Soul Healing
WELCOME to our 8th EPISODE of No More Rules! Sending each of you heart felt "Soul Healing" LOVE with our very special friend &a...
Lyme Disease: The Forgotten and Quiet Psychological Epidemic
In a time of 24-hour fake news, how do I know chronic Lyme is real? I have lived it with my family, with friends, with Lyme patients across the country and my campaign to raise awareness began in 2004 with creating...
The Ageless Metaverse
One of the greatest misunderstandings we may have is on the future of inspired technology use.Recently, Mark Zuckerberg stated it would take 5 years for Meta to hit mainstream. I disagree! This statement is true if...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, February 17, 2023
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Paula Adams , John Trent , Paige Allison , Stacy Johnston
Our Families Deserve to See the Best of us
Ray Freitas will be discussing his personal transformation story called “Our Families Deserve to see the best of us.” He will also be explaining his mission not only as a busin...
57. Loving Your Life
Join me today as we talk about the value of LOVE and what it means to love your life. I believe that the most valuable thing on earth is LOVE. Without love, what is the point? Please don’t discoun...
Breathe in Peace
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and the Realm of Beings discuss the quote: " "Breathe in the air of peace, ease, and love of self unconditionally."
Calm after the storm!
Call 800-930-2819 for a reading Watch live on Facebook.
You Are The Love That You Are Seeking
Big Huge Vast - How much fun and light-heartness are you able to enjoy, take in and express? You may discover your answer to that question, as William takes you into and through an experience of touching and ...
Turning Ordinary Conversations into Extraordinary Experiences
In this eposide, Brett wil talk about tips and techniques he uses to turn ordinary conversations into extraordinary experiences. You'll learn about creating authentic connection as well as practices that you can do...
Encore: Dr. Diane Interviews Carolyn Tierney on Holistic Interior Design and Toxic Free L...
Carolyn Tierney gives her top 3 tips to create a healthier home that can be done now and basically for free. She discusses the top 5 areas to think about when updating, building, or renovating a home. ...
Engaging in Authentic Conversation about Race and Racism Requires Listening Not Rebuttal
The Art of Conversation. Active/Intentional Listening. What Do You Trust, Statist...
The Day She Quit Rescuing
In part 1 of this 2-part conversation, Lisa talks with Amanda Sowa about her healing journey from being a codependent people pleaser, which led her to repeatedly rescuing others. To a woman who chose to rescue hers...
You're Being Laid Off... Now What?
I've been laid off. My husband's been laid off... twice. How do you move from hope and into faith that you're gonna be okay. That this is actually for your good? I can't wait to encourage you on this subject if you...
Ancient Wisdom for the New Earth with special Guest - Nukumi Selina Mu'Iskw
Join me as I bring a realy Unique Guest Nukumi Selina Mu'lskw who will be sharing Ancient Wisdom from the New Earth from the Divine Feminine Principle of Creation.
The Crack in Everything – How the Light Gets In (thank you Leonard Cohen).
When we feel cracked and broken, when we have parts that cause us shame – this is where to bring the Light (LOVE) in. Loving (especially) the raw, hurting places can bring us closer to Spirit and lead to Expa...
IT’S NOT ABOUT THE BANANA! With Guest, Author Tonya De'laine!
Do you feel unhappy? Are you full of shame? Does it seem as if life has thrown you a bag of ick? If that is true for you, then Author Tonya Stadlman has the solution. Not only is her solution applicable to everyday...
How Your Body is Working: A Close Look at Our Body, Mind, and Spirit
During this episode, Lynda will take us on a deeper look at how our bodies, minds, and spirits are functioning (or not) in our lives. She'll explore the concept of “hurt people, hurt...