Archived Episodes
What got you into spirituality
Tune in this week for stories of people on the path – as well as our own accounts of, and reflections on, the great journey to God-consciousness. Can you recognize some of your own story in them too?
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, April 21, 2023
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Kevin Dupree , Margaret Fields , Demetria Buie , Dawn Pick Benson
The Gifts of an Identity Crisis
My guest host, Evelyn Knight ,will be sharing how (almost) all of us will experience an identity crisis in our lives. You have a choice whether that crisis will be a blessing or a curse. An identity crisis can be a...
66. Back to the Basics
Join me today as I do a deep dive into the importance of the BASICS. Regardless of your goal, the fundamentals must not be discounted. I am also going to share why it is that we resist the basics, as if...
Tragedy is an Illusion
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and The Realm of Beings discuss the quote: "Release all sense of tragedy within you. Also, do not see it in others."
Breaking the Cycle: A Story of Transformation and Redemption
Breathe in, for in the midst of the darkness, there's light. A beacon of hope that shines even in the deepest pits of despair. This podcast is a tale of resilience and redemption, a story of a person who broke free...
Don't Let Anything Eclipse Your Light
Call in for a reading at 800-930-2819 Watch
Busting the Blocks to Goal Achievement
Goals are essential for business growth. Often we stumble and fail on the way to our goals. Here are six top blocks to goal achievement and the keys to over come them. With some awareness and a li...
Quieting the noise around diet and nutrition
“Infobesity”: The overwhelming amount of diet, health and lifestyle advice we are subjected to on a daily basis. The nutrition and wellness space is a noisy one! Seems like every day there is a new supe...
Transformation and the power of horses with my special guest- Katherine Finley
In this episode, Pam will be interviewing Katherine about how life is in Costa Rica, how her coaching program is developing, and what goodies she is creating now. As a Transfomation Coach specializing ...
A Simple Practice That No One Does That Can Rock Your World
In this episode, I'm going to talk about a practice that can change your life. It's simple, powerful and almost completely ignored. In fact, in our culture - ignoring this need is celebrated.
Dr. Diane Interviews Susie Bagwell on the Benefits of Essential Oil Wellness Products
Learn about the many uses of essential oils for health, home care, and pets.
Author Talk - I'm Tired of Racism
I'm Tired of Racism: True Stories of Existing While Black by Sharon Hurley Hall, antiracism activist, writer, and educator. ...
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Host: Anita Russell M.Ed
Co-Hosts: Mavis Bauman, Gail Hunter LCSW
Guest: Sharon Hurley Hall
Getting Attuned
Lisa and Lori talk about the upcoming release of the Get Attuned app.The app that lets you take charge of your emotional and spiritual health.
Choosing Love Over Fear
I've found myself more and more creating better results in my life and my business when I chose love over fear. Today, I'm going to share what I mean by this... and how it impacts the results in your life and your ...
The Sovereign SOUL - How do We step and Stand into it?
We are approaching a time where we will be lifted up out of the control of those who have controlled almost every aspect of our lives. Most of US have been aware of this on various levels. I'm sure you ...
The Craziness of Assumptions!
Did you know the longer you know a person, the more you assume about them? What if you don't like them? Would it be fair to say that perhaps you are stuck in an endless loop of assumptions about them, and truly hav...
Healing from childhood trauma
Have you experienced a type of tragedy or trauma as a child that still affects you today? Does it hinder your daily life or affect relationships? Have you ever truly healed? Stop masking it and actually allow yours...
Ep. 79 From Burnt-Out to Bad-Ass
If you're seeing this, you were meant to. It's all in perfect timing. The obstacles you may be experiencing right now are pointing you in the direction of something better! Listen to one women's story of how she tu...
Mental Health Matters with Guest Brittany Miles
Discussing why mental healthmatters with local writer Brittany Miles!
Engineering Your Life Step 4: Consistent aligned action + Course correction
In this episode we will dive into the fourth step of engineering your life, “Consistent aligned action + Course correction”. In this episode we will dive deep into the process of creating our vision and...
Living Beyond the Core Wounds with Susan Axelrod and Kornelia Stephanie | The Mother Woun...
The Mother Wound, Part 3Living Beyond the Core Wounds with Susan Axelrod and Kornelia Stephanie When our core wounds meet the physical world, it off...
That's a Wrap - Making Room For New Beginnings
Join Nola Peacock & Deb Weinberger for the last episode of The Angel Empowerment. Whenever there is an ending, whether it be a death, the ending of a marriage, job, or change in health, there is a pe...
Monday, April 17, 2023
Host: Cindy Smith AEP
Co-Hosts: Sam Bell RN, Deborah Weinberger, Nola Peacock