Archived Episodes
Embodiment and Eros with Nadia Munla
Nadia is an Embodiment & Intimacy Coach who helps visionaries play at their erotic edge in both their love life and leadership. She is the creator of Embody by Nadia™, an embodiment method that has helped...
Trade Your Expectations This Holiday Season For Joy and Appreciation
Let's do this. Let’s trade in our expectations and decide to make this holiday season our best one yet. &n...
Guilt and Shame - Who would you be without these?
Guilt and Shame - the boulders of burden so many of us carry that really never belonged to us in the first place! Let's reroute from "destination guilt trip" to taking our power back and mastering an unwavering, po...
Your body is pissed at you and you don't know why!
We've all heard crap and you feel like crap! You didn't listen and now your body is PISSED off! It starts off like a whisper (heartburn), then it yells (IBS) you have chronic inflammation, weight ga...
What is Happening with Divine Guidance? with Special Guest Patricia McNair
Connecting with Patricia of Divine Guidance!
How Dare She
Self-care and Healthy Boundaries - is this selfish or necessary? Don't kid yourself, we all need to get tough and set boundaries of what we will allow and what is a "HELL NO" in our lives. Quit being a push...
Three tips to be okay with where you're at
This episode marks a whole year of the Be Happy Now Show. We thank you for being one of the first listeners of the show. We are excited to keep it growing and are open to receivi...
Get Back in the Driver’s Seat – You Have the Power!!
How do you take control of your health? Join Doc Martin and Dr Pat in a discussion on how to maximize your healing power. Dr Martin will do readings for callers guiding them to reclaim their power. Sh...
Healthy Ways to Navigate Your Relationships!
Answering the questions you have sent in.... QUESTION 1: Leighanne, I am struggling with mo...
Massage Envy-Beth Stiller! Decompression Experiments on Animals-Shriya Swaminathan! Care...
Beth Stiller discusses the importance of having a self-care routine and explains how massage therapists and estheticians can aid in coping with physical and emotional stress. Massage therapy is a c...
Monday, October 31, 2022
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Beth Stiller , Shriya Swaminathan , Kevin Kelly
Real Transformational topics, and REAL conversation with Peggy Willms, Alysia Lyons, & An...
Join myself and a couple of my fellow authors as we share our stories of overcoming and all the blessings in the lessons.
Friday, October 28, 2022
Host: Martine Emmons
Guests: Peggy Willms , Alysia Lyons , Andrea Scarantino
Is your body trying to tell you something important?
Claudia-Sam is happy to share with you an episode that seems to be going unnoticed and it’s an important one. How often do you find yourself ignoring your body and somehow it gets ...
Relieve Your Stress and Heal Your Body Through HO'OPONOPONO with Native Hawaiian Practiti...
Who among us is living without stress? None of us! Day-to-day living can be so hectic. It is challenging to connect regularly with those we love, including ourselves. How can we build better living for us and those...
Empowered Relationships Using Human Design
In this episode of the Be Happy Now Show, Tonia Emanuel of Coach Your 360 and Your Soul Connection Coach Claudia-Sam discuss the link between intuition and human design to feel empowered in relationships. ...
In this Be Happy Now show episode, Claudia-Sam offers a pop-up workshop to help you feel empowered to make confident decisions. If you'd like to join her&...
What's in your box, Pandora? With Christine Vibrant, Better Me Empowered Living Expert
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live a completely different life, and maybe it seemed an impossible dream? Join me, Christine Vibrant, as we discover what Waking Hope really is, how we can a...
Growth vs Comfort
People don't decide their futures, they decide their habits. And their habits decide their futures. For true growth, you will have to get out of your routine. You will have to get o...
Communicating what you want from the heart
In this episode of the Be Happy Now Show, Claudia-Sam explores the difference between saying what’s on your heart so that someone is hurt on purpose vs communicating your needs from a p...
On being authentic and genuine
Do you ever resist the moment? Whether you are tired and you want to be energized instead, or you are sad but you’d prefer b...
Transcending Fear & Suffering Through Empathy With Akshay Nanavati
Is it possible to suffer well? Can we transcend fear, stress and anxiety to enhance our internal motivation and reach our own human potential? Veteran, Explorer & Author Akshay Nanavati w...
Flow out of Fight or Flight Mode
In this Be Happy Now show episode, Claudia-Sam offers a pop-up workshop once again to help you go with the flow and stop resisting the Life that happens all around you.
The 3 Pillars To Transform Stress into Power, Freedom & Balance with Guest Dr. Vijaya Nair
✓ How to stop making “Toxic Goals” for yourself and your business by understanding what they are and why most people’s goals fail before they even get started. ✓ The root cause of ALL your...
Faith in The Unknown - Your Way Out of Stagnation (Part 1)
This episode of the Be Happy Now Show is the first part of a two-part series with Thought Coach & Strategist Leah Roling, host of the BEcoming You show. If you have...
Emotional Childhood VS Emotional Adulthood
Have you ever wished you had been taught how to avoid all the unnecessary drama in your relationships and life? In today’s podcast, we're going to learn the difference ...