Archived Episodes
Fighting for success - does that work?
Many people when they set their sights on an objective, believe they have to fight to achieve it! Also, we see many people are using fight energy whether they know it or not!&nbs...
QAnon and New Age - can you be creditable?
I’ve been concerned about ideas and approaches that have been a part of my life for a long time that are now associated with QAnon, New Age, and Spiritually! I’ve spoken to many who are struggling...
Earth Day Show part 2 - the greatest unknown toxin!
When we talk about climate and the warming of the earth it is well established that its the greenhouse gases that are the cause! This comes from human activity but is there another toxin that exceeds the damage don...
Earth Day Show part 1 - unbelievable perspective!
We see that the ecosystem of our earth is the most compelling and serious crisis facing us all today! But as Intuitives we see there is a major misunderstanding that is the primary interference with the progress we...
Dreamers - the advantages you have!
I’ve always been a dreamer and I’ve always been judged, criticized and discredited for it! As an Intuitive we know the value of imagination and day dream...
Commitment or Loyalty - is it really necessary?
Recently I was told about a request for commitment to a Yoga program. It was called an Initiation and was requested ...
Archeology of your life - time to dig up the old stuff!
Have you ever dreamed of being an Archeologist where you dig for the secrets of the past? The most important “dig” you’ll ever do is the one that is personal! We will talk about digging up the sto...
Enslavement - the dark energy that’s everywhere!
After the Harry and Megan interview we can see that energies that enslave are everywhere and know no boundaries or are limited to any economic level or group.
Business Secrets - you’ve never heard!
This secret they never teach in business school is about the energy or feel of a business. Many business intangibles are energies also, like success, reputation, tea...
Your Greatest Power - Life Force!
If you’re a black and white thinker don’t listen to this show! Life force has infinite power to be flexible and adaptable to overcome many barriers and blocks!
The Money Game - this is a big ah ha!
Over the years we’ve talked to many people who believe you can attract money with energy techniques or by creating energy that harmonizes with wealth. As Intuitives we see that is not exactly correct.
Doggy Love - can humans benefit?
We love our pets! How does doggy love help us in our daily lives? How can we use the energetic connection we have ou...
Buddy Clearing - create amazing friendships
Our ability to sustain friendships has been stressed during this time when we’re dealing a pandemic! Buddy Clearing is a way to apply The Ecosystem Approach in a very practical way to cement and deepen friend...
Love of Leaders! - healthy or toxic?
We love our leaders but when does that love turn toxic and dark? When everyone is programed it creates a demand for leadership that increasingly dark and toxic. We’re going to introduce a new leadership...
The Ultimate Love!
Self love is a cliche because many talk about it but few really understand what it is! Most see it as a mild form of self-indulgence and pampering but frankly that&r...
Corona Virus update! - vaccine yes or no?
After doing a lot of shows on Covid, it's time for an update! There is a lot of misinformation as well as a lack of information that needs to be addressed. All of us need to decide about getting vaccinated and ther...
Conspiracy Theories - intuitive insight!
It’s really ironic that as Intuitives, we’ve always been the ones who were considered crazy and “way out there!” However, we have real insight to the attraction of conspiracy theories due to...
Time Travel - to heal yourself!
Be honest, you’ve fantasied about going back in time and changing the past! We’ve all done it but what if I told you it’s possible and we do it all...
Predicting the Future - perspective from Intuitives
The new year is always a time when we try to see what the future brings for the new year! Can the future be predicted? We’ve heard this question often for the last 20 years and we’ve always told our cli...
Reset - be part of the world reset!
The world seems crazy right now! We all know something has to change but how does that happen? There is something you can do but more importantly, there is something...
New way to do Christmas! - you haven’t heard this one before!!
This Covid Christmas will be unlike anything that we’ve ever experienced in recent history! Many of us expect feeling good and happy at this time of the year b...
Eclipse Today - an energy way to make it work for you!
December 14, is the day of a solar eclipse that can create a lot of intensity in your life and we’re going to show you how that intensity can work for you! Thi...
Feel Better - now is the time!
The most common request we get, after doing this work for 20 years, is to help people just feel better! We’re going to help you just feel a little better durin...
Divided Country - what is the real cause?
Many pundits are giving reasons for our divided country but all the ones I’ve heard are really just guesses! We have a unique view of the root cause and real solutions that you can take to help make this a be...