Archived Episodes
Love – the Not-so-Secret Sauce!
Pure Universal Love is ever-present whether we are feeling it or not. Love can be covered over just like clouds appear to conceal the sun. Join Sarah as she talks about letting pure universal love f...
Stepping Free of Imaginary Bondage!
All too often, the inner limits that we experience and feel, seem to be fixed and beyond our control. When we awaken to these imaginary limits, we can step free from them and discover our greater potential....
Gaining Control of the Mind & Calming Your Heart!
An active chatty mind plagues pretty much everyone these days, and the wisdom traditions have been guiding people over the millennia on exactly what to do. When the mind is still, the heart is naturally cal...
The Creative Power of Words – speaking your world into existence!
The words we speak, the language we use in speech and in our thoughts are powerfully creative. Through our thoughts and words, we generate our feelings and they, in turn govern our actions. We can however, harness ...
Getting Aligned and Finding Balance!
Does your mind say one thing, your heart feel something else, and your body gets pulled along for the ride? We need balance, and Sanskrit’s timeless wisdom gives us a clear and practical way to find that bala...
Self Realization/Self Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression with Kornelia Stephan...
Self Realization/Self Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression with Kornelia Stephanie. 1-800-930-2819 TOTALLY TRANSPORTED. To another planet right here on earth, a higher state of mind....
The Story of the Seven Gateways to Transformation with author Gilbert Mane!
The story of the ‘Seven Gateways to Transformation’ takes us on a journey from inquiry and the inspiration to get moving through to reaching the final goal. This journey of transformation is fro...
The 7 Steps and How to Walk Them with author Gilbert S. Mane!
The 7 Steps set out the process and journey of transformation. This transformation is from victim to victor, from a state of limitation to abiding limitlessness. In this show, Sarah interviews Gilbe...
Energizing - Light the F.U.S.E for Conscious Confidence!
Energizing is living each day with enthusiasm, creativity and vitality through taking dynamic action. Having clear thought and taking effective action is a natural way of living for a human being, J...
Keep It Simple Sweetheart!
Live by the K.I.S.S. principle – Keep It Simple Sweetheart! Simplifying means staying with the essentials and letting go of the non-essentials. Join Sarah as she talks about the danger of busy-ness in...
Healing with Medical Spiritual Healing (MSH)
What is Medical Spiritual Healing? Who discovered / created Medical Spiritual Healing? and What exactly can Medical Spiritual Healing do for me?
A Taste of Hakomi, with Dennis Gaither
Hakomi is a way of being with another that is, in essence, mindfulness based assisted self-study. It is experiential, focused on the present and makes use of reactions evoked by little experiments with a person in ...
What about God, Christianity, and Christ in the new world.
Do you feel separate from your creator? Do you feel torn about the religious dogma and the new paradigm that is being birthed? Do you feel uncertain about what religion is better? Being a Christian, Islam or a Budd...
The Hidden Energetic & Spiritual Causes Behind All Illnesses with Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
Illness and suffering emanate from subconscious images. These images are actually subtle light patterns and can also be stored in the heart and soul.Early on in Dr. Jaffe's career he began to notice how...
Life is a Transformation: Celebrating and Finding Peace within the Chaos, with Jimi Ohm
In honor of the 50th Episode of Lucid Planet Radio, Dr. Kelly welcomes back her partner and regular guest, vibrational alchemist Jimi Ohm, to discuss transformation as a life-long process of finding peace while we ...
Life is a Transformation: Celebrating and Finding Peace within the Chaos, with Jimi Ohm
In honor of the 50th Episode of Lucid Planet Radio, Dr. Kelly welcomes back her partner and regular guest, vibrational alchemist Jimi Ohm, to discuss transformation as a life-long process of finding peace while we ...
Integrating Science, Art, and Spirituality with Media for Global Change
Dr. Kelly interviews Jacob Devaney of Unify, Uplift Connect and Culture Collective this week about the intersec...