Archived Episodes

The Jenn Royster Show

Archangel Gabriel: Let Your Creativity and Self Expression Go with the Flow

Archangel Gabriel is known as the messenger angel. &nb... 

  Thursday, May 23, 2019

Host: Dr. Jenn Royster

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Life Design Radio with Susan De Lorenzo: From Adversity to Awesome

What Do Your Circumstances Say About Your Thinking?

There are still many who believe that life just happens to us. Most of us have been brought up to believe this by well-meaning parents. But more and more of us are interested in learning about how our thoughts crea... 

  Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Co-Hosts: Susan De Lorenzo, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Discovering YOU Again Radio with Susan Axelrod - For Women in the Second Half of Life....who are you now?

On Figuring It Out!

Discovering You Again, what does that mean? How do I figure that out? In this episode of Discovering You Again Radio with Susan Axelrod, we will talk about the four Phases to Figuring It Out for yourself: Coming to... 

  Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Co-Hosts: Susan Axelrod, Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Truth is Funny .....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan

Your DNA is listening to you! with Charan Surdhar

Did you know that your every thought, feeling and emotion is being heard by your DNA? Learn how you can shift this so that you are in alignment with your truth. Colette Marie Stefan and Charan Surdhar shifting ener... 

  Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Host: Colette Marie Stefan

Guest: Charan Surdhar

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Sheer Alchemy! with Co-host Leslie Fonteyne

Creating Expressions versus Impressions with Leslie Fonteyne and Dr. Pat Baccili

We are afraid of our imperfections, of not sounding positive, seeming negative. So we suppress. But the energy comes out anyway. The gift of our truth is that we can allow it, honor it, hear it, and shift. Then our ex... 

  Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Hosts: Leslie Fonteyne, Dr. Pat Baccili

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