Archived Episodes
S.O.S. - Sense of Self Toolbox - Part 3 with Special Guests
Have you ever wanted to send out an SOS call? Beckon for help because you feel like you're drowning in life? Well, you are not alone! We've been discussing The S.O.S. Toolbox - 10 dynamic tools spec...
S.O.S. - Sense of Self - Part 2 - Ten Tools for Navigating Life
Let's keep the conversation going as we dig deeper into building your Sense of Self to help Educate, Equip, and Empower you! 10 dynamic tools to allow you to Authentically Live Life Your way!
S.O.S. - Sense of Self - Building Your Toolbox
How well equipped do you feel to deal with life? Do you wait for the real adult to show up in your life? Join me to learn 10 critical tools to develop your Sense of Self!
Boundaries Part 3 - There's still so much to share!
If you're struggling to understand and set effective boundaries, this show is for you! Join me as we continue the conversation about the critical nature of boundaries and how to take better care of yourself!
Boundary Basics - Part 2
If you're struggling to understand and set effective boundaries, this show is for you! Join me as we continue the conversation about the critical nature of boundaries and how to take better care of yourself!
Boundary Basics
As simple as boudnaries may seem, they are one of the most challenging dynamics in relationships. Come join me as we discuss boundaries - different types, how to recognize the need for them, and how to start settin...
Understanding True Commodities in Our World and How They Add Real Value to Your Life
Does money really buy happiness? We all know some of the wealthist people who are very unhappy and some people who hardly any money at all who have deep joy. So what is it that really creates happiness in life?...
The Power of Visioning Your 2022!
Are you ready to be deliberate about the life you've always wanted? Do you get confused about how to do a Vision Board? Do you have a hard time buying into a Board and understanding how they really ...
The Top 10 Things NOT To Do in Communication Part II
Communication is one of the most essential tools you will ever use so we're continuing the conversation from last time. During this episode, we'll continue to address 10 typical communication patterns that shut dow...
Top 10 Things NOT To Do in Communication
Communication is one of the most essential tools you will ever use. It is vital in relationships, parenting, work place, friendships, schools, neighborhoods... bascially, everywhere! And yet, we live in a world whe...
Who's This Chic?
While degrees, certifications, and classes all offer great proficiency and knowledge, there's nothing that can outweigh real life experience. With so many self-help peeps out there, what makes Allyson's work so dif...
Authenticity - What does it really mean?
We've all seen the cute meems and have a basic understanding of authenticity, but how true do you really feel to yourself? Though you may know the word and grasp the basic concept of authenticity, why is it so...
What is life coaching? with Special Guest Rikki Schwartz
Rikki breaks down what life coaching looks like. Watch live on Facebook.
Is Life Coaching what I need? with Special Guest Leighanne Champion
Join Dr. Pat and Leighanne Champion to discuss the benefits of having your own personal Life Coach to help switch on your own unique light so that you can live to your fullest potential. Watch live on Faceb...
What do Singing Bowls and Jungian Psychotherapy Have in Common?
In this episode, I'll dive deep into new practices with magical singing bowls as we discuss how Jungian Analyst Jennifer Embry uses vibrational sound as a powerful tool in therapy sessions with her clients.
Healing Racial Trauma: Insights and Strategies with Dr. Candice Hargons
Join me for an engaging, challenging conversation with my fabulous guest: Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons Founding Director of the Center for Healing Racial Trauma Director and Assistant Professor of Counseling Psycholo...
The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy and Self-Forgivenes...
Using astrology as a diagnostic tool, Lisa Tahir reveals how to use the astrological placement of the minor planet Chiron in your birth chart to identify the core wounds and unconscious patterns that block your cap...
Chakra Healing Therapy: Awaken Spiritual Energies and Heal Emotional Wounds with Glen Park
Glen Park examines each chakra individually on the physical, psychological, psychic, and spiritual level, as well as through the lens of the solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) channels. The author’s syste...
A Conversation with Jessica Ruiz and Hannah VanDuinen
Two completely different women with one thing in common: They are pursuing their dream. Jessica Ruiz is a Social Worker, therapist, and Life Coach. She works to empower single women, to achie...
The Cannabis Conundrum: Truths, Therapies, & Myths with Dianne Solano and Lindsay Le Blanc
The Cannabis Conundrum ... Dispell the myths, understand the therapies and get empowering information. Tune in and learn how cannabis can be used therapeutically for your health Und...
Mental Health pt 1 - solutions require understanding the root cause
This pandemic has revealed all the difficulties that we have with mental health. Quick fixes are common but real help is almost non-existent.
Burn Bright in Your Relationships – How to Sur-Thrive a Messy Divorce!
Whether you’re in the throes of a messy divorce or recovering from one take heart – you’re not alone. The pain and burnout from a divorce not only comes from the ending of a once-loving relationsh...
20-20 Little Star - How I wonder what you are - with world-renowned Astrologer Debra Silv...
Join me and my good friend, world-renowned astrologer, Debra Silverman. Let's look to the sky and deep inside as we ring in a new year, a new decade and a new awareness of how we can evolve on purpose.&...
Mass Shootings – Real insight and what you can do to protect yourself with Jason and Patr...
Jason and Patricia are skilled Intuitives who have been working with clients for over 20 years and created The Ecosystem Approach! They were upset with the current wave of mass shootings so they channeled the Vegas...