Archived Episodes
Dissension (swimming with sharks)
Edward Snowden is an American computer specialist a former employee of the CIA and contracted to the NSA who blew the whistle on common tactics that the government uses and that humanity tends to use on themselves ...
Temple Of The Soul and Homeostasis
Your body is often referred to as the temple of your soul because it is the vehicle your soul uses to navigate life on planet e...
Encore: Keeping Your Heart Above your Head in Times of Stress
Stress often leaves us swimming in a pool of soggy endless thoughts on repeat. How can we stay anchored to the power of one’s Heart when navigating chaos, stress, and confusion.
Dissemination of Information (believing your own press)
In 2016 I traveled to take part in ayahuasca, sapo, oha ceremony along with other plant medicines. At the airport, leaving Canada, it was announced that Donald Trump was running for office as President of the Unite...
Sacred Body with Owner/Founder of LOTUSWEI Katie Hess
Katie Hess is the owner and founder of LOTUSWEI, one of the world’s leading flower apothecaries. She has a brand new offering that was specifically created to meet the needs of the world at this particular ti...
Encore: MindScape: The Power Of The Mind with MindScape Instructor Sufen Paphassarang
Karen is featuring Sufen Paphassarang, a MindScape instructor. What is MindScape you ask? MindScape is a technique that works to reshape mental terrain and free the mind from limitations and preconceived constructs...
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Host: Karen Betten
Co-Host: Colette Marie Stefan
Guest: Sufen Paphassarang
Encore: MindScape: The Power Of The Mind with MindScape Instructor Sufen Paphassarang
Karen is featuring Sufen Paphassarang, a MindScape instructor. What is MindScape you ask? MindScape is a technique that works to reshape mental terrain and free the mind from limitations and preconceived constructs...
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Host: Karen Betten
Co-Host: Colette Marie Stefan
Guest: Sufen Paphassarang
Encore: Grounded & Centered Through the Portal Into a New Era with Lucy Anne Chard & Mor...
We’re moving through the Great Conjunction of 2020 into the new era of Aquarian innovation, collaboration and intuitive awareness in 2021. As we’re being given an opportunity to imagine greater possibil...
Breaking up with your Beliefs with Dr. Tracey Clark
Your cells are eavesdropping on your thoughts! Did you know that the thoughts that you have are driven by your personal book of beliefs, most of which you have formed by the age of 3? Our beliefs about ourselves, o...
The Universal Law of Sowing & Reaping
How to engage with the realm of heaven through spiritual principles that create a blessed, abundant & happy life. The result is........that we have more than enough to share and give with others! This is the pu...
Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Critical Information You need to know to avoid Risky Surgery with ...
Women continue to undergo surgery for prolapse at a rate of hundreds of thousands per year. However, all so-called “pelvic floor” surgeries are associated with significant risk and high failure rates. O...
Making Mountains Out of Mole Hills (Need to be Right)
On April 1, I discovered that I had a parasite from my trip to Peru in 21016. I began MY Face Yoga programs the month before and that brought the bug to where I could see it and feel it. I am goi...
Do You Want to Get Well? Choosing Zoe Life with Guest Host Caleb Matthews
We live in a society where many people & world systems are choosing darkness & over-focusing on the problem rather than the answer! Fear has become an obsession & a religion. However, there ...
A Mother-Daughter Riffing on…..Fear with Shea Betten
Do you ever find yourself "just going with the flow” too much for fear of sticking out? Have you ever felt scared of being judged for your choices? Have you ever felt fear of not being understood?...
Faith Sees (Putting on Heaven's Lenses) with Guest Host Caleb Matthews
How do we navigate during these turbulent & chaotic times in our culture? We must see by faith, put on heaven's lenses, and get above the chaos. Like the ancient true story of the Roman Centurion wh...
Encore: Keeping Your Heart Above your Head in Times of Stress
Stress often leaves us swimming in a pool of soggy endless thoughts on repeat. How can we stay anchored to the power of one’s Heart when navigating chaos, stress, and confusion.
The 4th Man in the Fire (Encountering Yahweh in a Babylonian Society) with Guest Host Cal...
The incredible true story from the ancient Book of Daniel of 3 Hebrew mystics who did not yield to the foreign Babylonian culture that defied their conscience. When we persevere through the flames ...
Jump Pee, Leak Pee with Women's Health Physical Therapist Solange Ross
Is stronger and tighter the singular best approach to actualize the depth of your Pelvic Power?
Zack Makes His Own Luck with Author Anna F. Junker
Zack is a young boy, just like any other. He lives with his family, plays sports, goes to school, but what you do not know is a secret that he keeps. A children's story about luck, persistence, and never giving up....
Keeping Your Heart Above your Head in Times of Stress
Stress often leaves us swimming in a pool of soggy endless thoughts on repeat. How can we stay anchored to the power of one’s Heart when navigating chaos, stress, and confusion.
Happy Singles Awareness Day! Colette Will Provide Energetic Upgrades - Her Valentines Day...
Colette knows a lot of you are experiencing difficult times right now so she will be offering Energetic Upgrades as a Valentines's Gift!Watch LIVE on Facebook:
Join Colette for 3 Card Readings With the Deck
We love to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819. Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:
Parenting to Foster a Child’s Inner Compass with Kristin Pierce
So many of us so-called grown-ups struggle with connecting to our own inner wisdom; a life long journey of ever-growing potential. How, then can we foster this connection when parenting our children? Kristin Pierce...
The Eye of God & Interacting with Heavenly Lenses with Caleb Matthews
What we focus on we empower and it becomes magnified! Who is the master of our eye gates? A worldly information overload or heavenly perspective download? The eye of G...