Archived Episodes
The Power of Inner Connection, Speaker Series, Oct 1-14 with Julia Griffin!
Julia Griffin created a speaker series targeting the powers of the inner self so that you can discover your spiritual gifts, understand the events of this new age, and move more deeply into the inner self, and expr...
Why Emotions May Be the Key to Real Change Between Animals and Humans. How We Can Make a ...
Can one species be different than another? Are there differences between your dog and a fish? What about a cat and a deer? If we look at animals as beings, how might our relationships change? Can we look...
A Little Girl from San Diego and a Ghost Child From Portland
The next thing I know, this little boy from Portland is in my living room and my daughter can see and talk to him.“That’s me! That’s me!” he’s s...
Knowledge is Power with Marge Ptaszek!
What does 'knowledge is power' mean?
Coffee Time ~ Part 2 of 4. EVIL TWINS: Procrastination & Disorganization FOUR PART SERIES
Part 2 of a 4 part series: EVIL TWINS: Procrastination & Disorganization. Part 2: Procrastination. What comes first the chicken or the egg? Does disorganization rise first to be followed ...
Coffee Time ~ Part 1 of 4. EVIL TWINS: Procrastination & Disorganization FOUR PART SERIES
Part 1 of a 4 part series: EVIL TWINS: Procrastination & Disorganization. Part 1: Procrastination. What comes first the chicken or the egg? Does disorganization rise first to be followed ...
Beyond the Known: Realization with Author Paul Selig!
Beyond the Known: Realization is the first volume in the Beyond the Known trilogy, it is composed of pure unedited words of the Guides as they share their wisdom and knowledge through Selig. It sees a psych...
Encore: Horses:Our Own Personal Development Coaches! with Special Guest Stacy Lewis ...
From increasing self-esteem to healing trauma and fear, horses can help you heal your life and empower you. Stacy and Darcy share both personal and class stories of the many ways horses have changed lives of those ...
The Holy Spirit continues its work!
Encore: The Holy Spirit was determined for me to understand my soul's purpose. I had to understand how we can be disconnected from our soul's purpose and therefore never become our authentic selves. As I connected ...
You Can Navigate Your Life Trajectory in All Areas Spiritual, Health and Relationships wi...
What to look forward to in this episode of Living Heaven on Earth: Hummingbird Jewel discusses the first on her series Spiritual Laws: This first law will be - How the Law of Vibration affects our ev...
The Gifts Beneath Your Anxiety: Simple Spiritual Tools to Find Peace, Awaken the Power Wi...
Signs Spirit may be communicating with you! Do you or does someone you know suffer from unexplained anxiety, panic attacks, or sadness? Are you often overwhelmed with compassion for others’ pain? Do people so...
Taking back the realm of Magic and Miracle with Heather Allison!
We've been conditioned for too long by this Wounded Masculine Paradigm — the Patriarchy, if you like — to reject the Power, abilities and access to Miracle and Magic that exists within the Feminine Ener...
Become a Spiritual Athlete!
I realized that the joy and peace that has been pouring in my life has had alot to do with me becoming a spiritual athlete! Join us to hear more and find out how you can bring more joy and peace into your life!&nbs...
Excuse Me..... Did You Say Sanskrit! The Surprising Relevance of Sanskrit for Today
Excuse me did you say Sanskrit…yes Sanskrit, the language of the universe and a mother of languages! Sanskrit has a surprising relevance for today to help in facing the challenges of transitioning into adult...
The Journey Home – Gifts Left Behind with Darcy Pariso!
Ella’s journey home & why it’s important to you. What your animals want you to understand. Can they send us songs and even move things? Unexpected ways they communicate that you’ll want to kno...
The Limitless Soul- Hypno-Regression Case Studies into Past, Present and Future Lives wit...
Access the soul level of your mind and resolve current life issues with this amazing collection of case studies. Using her hypnoregression technique, Soul Expression Spiritual Regression (SESR), author Bryn Blankin...
90 Days To Life with author Ruble Chandy!
90 Days to Life - A Jorney from Turmoil to Triump! Discover… A powerful never revealed strategy to convert stress and suffering into celebration. By the time you finish reading this touching story, you will ...
Forgiveness and Spiritual Enlightenment!
As the majority of us carry pain and anger from our past caused by the wrongdoing of others, this episode is about forgiveness. In reality what does forgiveness look like and how do we free ourselves from the angui...
What is the Sufi Path and why do people need spiritual guidance?
Answering questions on What is Sufism? What exactly is the Sufi Path and Why do I need spiritual guidance?
Spiritual Rebel with author Sarah Bowen
“How can we uncover the most meaning in our lives?” asks author Sarah Bowen. Part memoir, part practical guide, Spiritual Rebel mines the world’s philosophical, scientific, and spiritual tradition...
Golden Nuggets – Your Guide to Practical Spirituality with author Mandy Arwen!
Are you ready to change your life in order to survive? "Golden Nuggets" is a guide for spiritual growth at all levels of development! Mandy discusses her favorite chapters written together with Archangel Michael!
Sacred Connection: Living Within Your Own Wild Rhythms
Life can be overwhelming with never ending demands and pressures. We can easily feel as if we are living in a frenzy or on auto-pilot. However, we all possess an innate ability to authentically connect ...
What Role Does Your Shadow Side Play In Your Life?
Discover how your dark side can rule your life. Confront your shadow, don't run from it. See how by identifying and transforming your shadow, your life automatically improves!