Archived Episodes
You Are the Wand - Be the Magic!
You are the magic wand of your own life. You can choose to be all that you really are. How do we get confused and lost? This show helps you navigate to the essence of your truth, your energy, and your amazing quali...
Procrastination is Another Word For Fear - Leslie and Dr. Pat are Co-hosting today
When we say we are procrastinating, we are actually afraid of something. Let’s get to the bottom of that fear and decide to release this block to our abundance life.
Small You......Big You
We all have the experience of feeling small, insecure, lacking confidence. We can get intimidated. So, what do we do with it, especially when we have a vision of something we want to create? Let’s look within and shif...
Sabotaging Our Own Success: How We Stop Successful Manifestation
Why do we sabotage our success? We walk it through in our minds, then defeat the plan before it ever sees the light of day. Let’s look at why we do it and then see and how we can turn that defeat into adventure and pu...
Abundance Creation in Isolation – Can I do this?
Often do we stop ourselves from stepping into a great idea, a new dream, our heart’s desire, because we are afraid no one we love will come with us. Find out how to step through this fearful place so that you can disc...
Daily Life and Soul Purpose: A Balancing Act
We can get bogged down with the pressures or concerns of daily life to the point we forget our soul purpose - a thread through all of our activity. Let’s talk about how to balance it all.
Put Legs on Your Dreams with Leslie and Dr. Pat
Do you have a dream? Were you taught that dreams are like living in Fantasyland?i? Dreams are a part of your truth. The fear of making them happen is an old, painful wound. Let’s heal and make that dream real.
How Do You Pray with Celeste Yacoboni
On today's show, Celeste Yacoboni shares her new book about how we connect with Source. How Do You Pray? Inspiring Responses from Religious Leaders,Spiritual Guides, Healers, Activists & Other Lovers of Human...
Depression and Powerlessness: The Way Out
Depression is the sense of feeling trapped, of feeling we are powerless to step out of our circumstances or feel good about life. We’ve accepted that this is how life is. Source has a different opinion!
Waiting on the World to Change
Often, we wait to make a change because we want others to do something first. While on one level we are aware of our power and the initiative it will require to start, we allow others to pretend power over us. We use ...
Critical Success Factors for Abundance
Source wants us to be a success. So, why can it seem unattainable? Are we doing something wrong? This show walks us through the factors that are critical to success - they’re different, so hold on to your seat! You m...
When It All Falls Apart
Have you had a time where you felt like everything was going wrong, things were falling apart on several fronts at the same time? It might be physical, family, work, finances. Let’s talk about what’s going on there. L...
Pockets of Victimization: Stepping Out!
We all discover and can be surprised by areas of victimization that surface to our consciousness, things we were not aware of. And now we are! This can be a disappointing moment, or we can get excited about changing t...
Reclaim the Magic with Author Lee Milteer
Reclaim the Magic will evoke a consciousness shift and an awakening within you to manifest your heart’s true desires. This book will give you the tools and concepts to claim your natural birthright power as a manifest...
Abundance Beyond Attachments and Control
Attachments give us a feeling of control. We believe we need things in our lives to unfold in a certain way for us to be happy – or satisfied. Source has a vision that is so much larger, more loving, more aligned wi...