Archived Episodes
Action: The Masterstroke
If you feel you are done practising life, you are ready for quick success then start to ACT now. Masterstroke will make you win against all odds, you will achieve more than you intended, you will master the art of ...
Love is Power: New Moon Solar Eclipse
Dr Jenn shares how the positive power of unconditional Love is the ulti...
Six Ways to Keep Reinforcing Your Wellness, Vitality and Resilience Part 1 with LeRoy Malouf
Part one of a two part series: Join Colette Marie Stefan and special guest LeRoy Malouf while they discuss ways to keep reinforcing your wellness. LeRoy will discuss these first three ways on this show, and the nex...
Encore: LOVE
LOVEon today show Carol and Justice will be talking about love, how to keep it how to break unwanted spiritual patterns, the cause and the repairing of stagnant or unwanted energ...
Encore: Receiving Your Solutions
Are you ready to receive? Is your heart open to change? Learn how to open your energy field and receive the transforming love and healing you truly desire.
Encore: Correcting the Misdiagnosed
On today's show Carol and Justice talk about correcting your misdiagnosis. You may have been doing the wrong spiritual work or on the wrong path due to not being diagnosed properly. Listen and call in for t...
Spiritual PTSD
On today's show Carol and Justice talk about Spirirual Post- Trumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) how the aura retains certain energy and replays it. Tune in to hear about s...
The importance of being 100% strong everyday! with LeRoy Malouf
The average person is only going strong to 20% of life. What is the 80% we are going weak to, and how do we get stronger everyday? Call in for energy correction from Colette Marie Stefan and LeRoy Malouf. 8...
Encore: Diagnosing Your Spiritual Condition
Do you keep repeating the same patterns? Do you have blocked chakras? Uncertain of your relationship? Are you attracting negative energy? Are you living in your path and purpose? Is your life on pause?
Encore: Anatomy of the Spirit
The structure of the mind body and spirit, how these portions of self work and function together. The understanding that the spirit is the conductor of our total well-being. Let's learn how to address our spiritual...
LOVEon today show Carol and Justice will be talking about love, how to keep it how to break unwanted spiritual patterns, the cause and the repairing of stagnant or unwanted energ...
Receiving Your Solutions
Are you ready to receive? Is your heart open to change? Learn how to open your energy field and receive the transforming love and healing you truly desire.
Correcting the Misdiagnosed
On today's show Carol and Justice talk about correcting your misdiagnosis. You may have been doing the wrong spiritual work or on the wrong path due to not being diagnosed properly. Listen and call in for t...
Diagnosing Your Spiritual Condition
Do you keep repeating the same patterns? Do you have blocked chakras? Uncertain of your relationship? Are you attracting negative energy? Are you living in your path and purpose? Is your life on pause?
Anatomy of the Spirit
The structure of the mind body and spirit, how these portions of self work and function together. The understanding that the spirit is the conductor of our total well-being. Let's learn how to address our spiritual...
Game Changer for Miracles: Angel Insights Dec 2016 Part 2
In this episode, we'll explore angel insights and solutions for e...
Breakthrough Solutions with Eleanor LeCain
At a time when the media tells us that the world is collapsing on all fronts, Eleanor LeCain lets us know that there are solutions to every one of our global problems. On today's show, LeCain tackles such huge issues ...
Guest Co-host Dr. Makeba Moring
Dr. Roni and Dr. Makeba are both Holistic Naturopathic doctors with combined knowledge of Detoxification Solutions for weight loss and emotional crisi...