Archived Episodes
Well-being in a Snap! Feel Instant Well-being on a REALLY Busy Day
Learn how to keep the sensation of well-being at all times. If you’re having this crazy busy day, there may be scenarios already in your head of where this day could go. Then ...
Self-care Redefined! Creating the Life You Want that Includes the Truth of Who You Are.
Why redefine self-care? Join Ulrika Sullivan to explore why & find yourself ready to leave behind common perceptions of self care, and i...
Changing the conversation from Money to Vision with Joan L. Sharp
Join Susan Axelrod with her co-host Dr. Pat Baccili as they host a special guest, Joan L. Sharp of River Family Advisors. Joan's message is a gamechanger! Change the difficult conversations you have that are all ab...
Wisdom of the Wolves
Julia will share how real wolves lead her into awakening and opened her gifts. You'll learn about how wolves communicate--and the joy of being in their presence--and talking with them on an intuitive level. The wol...
What do Psychology and Photography have in common? Guest Lizzie Larock lights our creativ...
If your life feels like one big, never-ending laundry list of to-do items, it's time to create something different. Lizzie Larock’s work is for anyone who wants to turn off Netflix, get out of their usual rou...
How To Raise Your Joy Set-Point
If you've tried creating more joy in your life but haven't quite felt the change you were hoping for then listen in to this episode where I talk about the 2 fundamental things that will shift your energy for t...
The Purpose & Power of Embracing Our Intuition with Carlenia Springer
Many people struggle with finding their purpose as they navigate life’s challenges. For those who are drawn to making a difference in the world there are subtle messages that serve as signs guiding us to our ...
Are you a caregiver to someone you love? Then you won't want to miss this episode.
This is big: 34.2 million Americans provide unpaid care to an adult 50 or over in the last year. Are you one? Join us today to hear from our guest Dennis Seeb. We'll talk about the burdens and the blessings; findin...
Part 2-Could there really be a secret sauce or magic pill?
If you aren't living in a state of happy, peace, joy fulfillment and abundance then what you're doing isn't working and you will want to tune in to THRIVE by Jen Radio and catch this episode of could there really b...
Choosing to Live in Fear or Love? Move Back to Love!
Take a chance, choose love, focus on the good, and chase doubts and fear away. Consider this idea: What if there was no such thing as failure? Failing is a judgment that we place on a given action. Rather tha...
Blaming others! Are you seeing you?
Blaming others Why? Dr.Brie and Stephanie will be discussing the Blame Factor!
Renee Baribeau The Practical Shaman
Renee Baribeau is a Hay House author of Winds of Sprit: Ancient Wisdom Tools for Navigating Relationships, Health, and the Divine. She is a wind whistler, soul coach, inspirational speaker, and workshop leader. Kno...
Chiropractic & Spiritual Energy how they work together
Our Guest today will be Dr. Cheryl Berry. Chiropractor & Energy Worker: How does she combined these two together and follow universal law's. Dr. Cheryl will be explaining this to us and many more subjects such ...
Ready to WAKE UP?! Take the first concrete step into the New World.
Choice is the cornerstone of all change. One specific and fundamental choice will set your course toward conscious evolution. Join us to discover what that choice is, why it is relevant today, and how to make it.
Kidney and Bladder Issues: How They Affect Your Body
Mary Jane Mack has been committed to helping people all of her adult life. At the age of 20 she became a registered Nurse and for 18...
Emotions and Essential Oils with Amanda Porter of Enlighten Healing
Have you ever wondered how Essential Oils can afftect your emotions? This week's episode is extra special as the author of the book, "Emotions and Essential Oils" joins us in discussing her passion and research beh...
Yoga, Massage, and Essential Oils with Karen Steele
Essential Oils are becoming increasingly popular in the energy healing world. Join me and my guest Karen Steele in exploring how you can use your Certified Theraputic Grade Essential Oils to enhance your yoga pract...
How Healthy Is Your House?
Mary Jane Mack takes in callers to discuss the importance of keeping your house a healthy house.
Rewire Your Emotions with Essential Oils
Essential oils are a powerful neuro-tool in shifting your mood and emotional state. In the Rewired Emotions Series we will be discussing how different essential oils assist us in achieving our emotional wellness go...
Introducing the Rewired Emotions Series
Rewired Life™ Radio is all about empowering women to heal by teaching you to love your self, heal your body and mind, and celebrate life. Over the last few months we've been digging into Neuroplastic Pathways...
Reclaim your life with Miriam Byrne
Reclaim your life with Miriam Byrne. It is time to stop talking about your dreams, and start living it! Get inspiration to move forward with JOY! It is time to get real and take positiv...
Conscious Communication with Mary Shores
Conscious Communication with Mary Shores. Word matter. Join Mary Shores Wednesday, September 20th on Rewired Life™ Radio as we discuss how to harness the power of your words. We will le...