Archived Episodes
A New Path to Fearlessness
Living fearlessly is what we all want. Stepping past our insecurities and anxieties to be our best confident and courageous selves. Join Sarah as she discusses a new way of understanding fearlessness and leads an e...
Is the Present Moment Just for the Privileged Few?
Everyone talks about the importance of living in the Now, why is it so important? Join Sarah as she delves into this important aspect of mindfulness and living in the Here and Now. She also leads an easy guided awa...
Soul Speech
There is listening, and there is ‘Listening’. How do we learn to listen to the truthful, authentic voice within, the one that can instruct, and guide, tell us exactly what we need to know. Join Sarah as...
Living with Intention – It’s an Inside Job!
How do we break free of habit, of the repetitive treadmill? One way is to discover and to use the power of intention. Join Sarah as she unlocks this magic key to freedom. Watch Here:
What Are You Listening To? What Are You Creating?
Both Science and Spirituality tell us that we are all basically forms of vibrational energy. Our energetic vibrational ‘sound’ is creative and transmitted to others. Join Sarah as she discusses this sig...
Living from the Inside Out
Are our problems caused by things outside ourselves, or by our attitude? Do we have the power to change the world by changing ourselves? Join Sarah as she explores the intriguing possibilities of living from the in...
Mindfulness & Presence: What is it and why should we bother?
There is a lot of talk these days about the power and benefit of Mindfulness. What is it exactly and why should we take the time to be present. Join Sarah as she explains the power and value of ...
Who Is It That Can Tell Me Who I Am?
Who am I? Am I my name, my body, my thoughts and feelings, maybe a combination of all of them or am I something else entirely? Join Sarah as she asks the important questions, and helps us find a way to an answer.
Smooth Sailing? How to Navigate Life’s Transitions with Special Guest Sarah Mane of Damay...
The key question we all face is how to deal with change and life’s challenges. How do we maintain our equilibrium and our self-confidence s we pass through the many transitions of life? Join Dr Pa...
The Secret Doorway to Peace, Strength and Harmony
Life can seem an endless roundabout, swinging from happiness to pain, light to dark, strength to fear. The wise however hold out the promise of another kind of life of limitless freedom and joy. Join Sa...
Coming Home to Yourself – The Secret to True Empowerment
Do you have a niggling feeling that there’s something more or maybe something is missing in your life? There are many powerful stories over the ages of a journey home. Join Sarah as she uses the power of thes...
True Patience – Active Acceptance and Achieving Your Dreams
Real ‘Patience’ is a true, beautiful and mighty power, perfectly suited to achieve our best life. It is a form of active acceptance. Join Sarah as she talks about how to nurture the strength, calm and p...
Living Beyond Limits – Achieving Freedom and Fulfillment
Everyone wants to break out of the limits that hold them back. Join Sarah as she shows you how living limitlessly is both attainable and practical. In this groundbreaking podcast Sarah will look at the six key elem...
Simplifying and Energising Your Life
Is your world complex, confusing and chaotic? Are you confounded by too many options, choices and dead ends that waste your time and energy? Join Sarah Mane as she outlines a foolproof way to simplify y...
Focus Your Energy, Unify Your Heart and Mind, and Your Life
Do you feel weak and powerless? Are you confused and undermined by the sentences running in your head? Join Sarah as she shows you how to master the simple techniques of focussing your power of attention, and unify...
Taking Control of Your Life Through Powerful Questions
There are many paths to confident self awareness. One of them is to use powerful focused questions. Join Sarah Mane as she shows how these potent questions in relation to your core values and a positive attitude dr...
Who, When, Where, Why - The Power of Questions to Make us Free
We all want freedom and there are many ways to achieve it. One of the easiest is simply to ask questions. Join Sarah as she talks about the astonishing power of questions to open the doorway to knowledg...
Taking Action for Freedom – My Story
Join Sarah as she tells the story of her ‘Aha’ moment. She describes a quiet mountain retreat for musicians that turned into a lifelong passion to offer the incomparable timeless wisdom of Sanskri...
Body Mind Heart Soul – The Total Package
To achieve balance and harmony we have to look after every part of us. That means caring not just for our physical needs but also our mind, our heart and our soul. Join Sarah as she discusses how to nourish, exerci...
From Teacher to Executive Coach to Damayanti – how I wrote a new chapter in my life ...
I have followed my own soul journey. I moved through different professions and careers, all the while holding fast to a vision that guided my steps. Join me as I relate how I wrote each new chapter in my life, and ...
Being the Author of Your Own Story
Becoming the author of your own life story is such a desirable goal, but how can we achieve it? Join Sarah as she gives you a practical easy set of tips that will put the power into your hands. These tips, plus a c...
Goal Setting is Key
To achieve our goals we have to know what they are. Goal setting is a powerful and effective key in our journey to success. Join Sarah as she outlines a practical easy way of moving from inspiration to achievement ...
The Top 3 Must Haves for Success
We all know how important mindset is. No matter how hard we work, success can elude us because of our mindset. Join Sarah as she lays out the three easy must have essentials for a success mindset.
The Miraculous Power of a Simple Decision – A deeper dive into Resilience
Resilience is the ability to bounce back in the face of life’s challenges and setbacks. The power to formulate creative ideas and focused resolution are a platform on which resilience is built. &n...