Archived Episodes
How to Spook Yourself Up with Author Teresa L Carol: Call in with your questions for Tere...
Teresa Carol is an Intuitive Counselor. Having traveled to over 29 Countries, Teresa has studied healing, Shamanism, and Spirituality directly from indigenous people. Teresa has been featured on Evening Magazine an...
Connecting the Dots... Science, Spirituality, and Psychology
How did we decide to unite these seemingly opposite elements? How can "plane" talk translate into a scientific awakening? Can you talk about "spiritual energy" without being considered ai...
A Psychic Child, a Ghost and a Dinner Party
What do an exceptionally psychic child and a ghost have to do with a dinner party? Does praying for a way out of a living nightmare make any difference? Can our prayers really be answered? Is it alright to be...
The Premonition Code-The Science of Precognition-How Sensing the Future Can Change Your L...
What is precognition and the different types, how to tell when premonition is a genuine precognition or just a coincidence, an overview of the science of time, scientifically validated evidence for precognition &nd...
Varla Ventura’s Paranormal Parlor: Ghosts, Seances, and Tales of True Hauntings
From Victorian parlor tricks to seances to the most haunted toothbrush in America, Varla Ventura's collection of ghost stories, hauntings, the history of the paranormal parlor games and the women (and men) who love...
Encore: Banshees, Werewolves, Vampires and Other Creatures of the Night with Varla Ventura
The lusty vampire, the sympathetic werewolf, the tragic banshee are just a few of the dark and frightening creatures you’ll discover in Banshees, Werewolves, Vampires, and Other Creatures of the Night. Author...
Banshees, Werewolves, Vampires and Other Creatures of the Night with Varla Ventura
The lusty vampire, the sympathetic werewolf, the tragic banshee are just a few of the dark and frightening creatures you’ll discover in Banshees, Werewolves, Vampires, and Other Creatures of the Night. Author...
Psychic & Paranormal Phenomena with George Hansen
The scientific investigation of psychic phenomena will be discussed—from the rise of Spiritualism in 1848, to the founding of the Society for Physical Research in 1882, to Laboratory experiments and the U.S. ...
Have You Ever Wondered What a Ghost Has to Say? Metaphysics Expert Tina Erwin
Do ghosts know if they are dead? What is it like to be a ghost? Find out why and how some souls do not cross over, why it is important for all souls to cross over, and how you can help the dead.
Encore: Ghost Helping vs Ghost Hunting with Tina Erwin, US Navy Commander (Ret.)
Tina is a Ghost Helper, not a Ghost Hunter. She crosses over the dead, not allowing them to linger. Find out why this is important for all of us.
Ghost Helping vs Ghost Hunting with Tina Erwin, US Navy Commander (Ret.)
Tina is a Ghost Helper, not a Ghost Hunter. She crosses over the dead, not allowing them to linger. Find out why this is important for all of us.
Evidence of Eternity with Psychic Lawyer Mark Anthony
EVIDENCE OF ETERNITY: Communicating with Spirits for Proof of the Afterlife is the newest thought-provoking book by Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® which brings decades of experience, wisdom and spiritual study toget...