Archived Episodes
2020 Hindsight
What are we able to see now, that we couldn't see in this last year?
Family, & Holidays, & COVID: Oh, My!
As winter holidays draw near many of us grow anxious as we anticipate more interation with more family members. Even in this year of limited travel where we may have to replace face-to-face interactions with online...
I gotta pee!
You know the feeling: rushing around, trying to do too many things at the same time when suddenly we stop and realize that there's an urgent personal matter we've needed to attend to this whole time and once we do ...
The Sun Came Up Today
Election day is over--we all experienced wins and losses. A new day has dawned so please join me and Craig Gingrich-Philbrook for a post-election (and pre-final results) debriefing.
Mindful Politics
No matter the outcome, many of us will experience intense, even overwhelming, emotions in the wake of the election. One of the greatest challenges we face in such a situation is to express loving kindness toward th...
Whose voice is it?
Most of us hear a continuous stream of self-talk during the course of our day. Sometimes it's the voice of the dictator tearing us down or the wild child begging for a cookie. When is it the voice of our authentic ...
Storm on the horizon. Dealing with worry, fear, and anxiety as the 2020 election draws n...
Recently a viewer asked me to do a show about practicing mindfulness during this particularly stressful election season. That's a big job so I asked my friend, Craig Gingrich-Philbrook, Ph. D. to join me. I hope yo...
Back to the Basics of Mindful Living
Each day seems to bring more worries, more anxiety, more fear. In this episode, we'll focus on the basics of mindfulness as a way of reminding ourselves that mindfulness is needed more now than ever.
Why can't we talk about the difficult things?: An interview with Cortney Hill
After our earlier conversation Cortney Hill and I decided to have a follow-up conversation, a difficult conversation about race. Cortney is a videographer and world traveller born and raised in Chicago.
Why can't I tell you who I really am?
We hide in the shadows of the self we think others need us to be, expect us to be, want us to be. We hide our true self from others so much that we may lose track of that self altogether. In this episode I'll talk ...
Interview with DJ Menifee
DJ Menifee joined the Susquehanna University community as vice president for enrollment in May 2020. As a member of the senior leadership team, DJ oversees a team of 20 in the offices of admission and student ...
Have you ever had a day that you wished would never end--a day filled with contentment, happiness, and peace? Have you ever sought to hold onto those feelings with such resolve and tenacity that you choked the life...
Interview with Sherrell Wallace of Living Inside Out by Faith
Mother of three, activiities coordinator for seniors, t-shirt entrepreneur, and podcaster, Sherrell Wallace joins me to talk about faith, life, parenthood, and living inside out by faith.
Journey to Equanimity
The focus of this episode is the concept of equanimity--the capacity for steadiness in the face of the challenges of everyday life.
Interview with Virgil Jones
Mr. Jones is the Athletics Director and Assistant Principal at Apple Valley High School in Apple Valley, Minnesota. Mr. Jones will share his response to George Floyd's murder and his perception of how the black bod...
How can mindfulness practices address racism? with Special Guest Mariangela Maguire!
Mindfulness means bringing our awareness to the present moment without judgment. I believe that mindfulness practices remain relevant even during a pandemic and during citizen protests against racism. Specifically,...
What's the difference between acceptance and resignation?
Mindfulness encourages us to be accepting of ourselves and others, to avoid fighting reality. For many of us, acceptance might sound like giving in and giving up. In this episode we explore the concept of acceptanc...
What's your story?
All of us are telling the story of our lives--who we are and how we came to be who we are. In this episode, we examine ways that our stories can become the source of fearful and negative thinking and identify strat...
When can I be happy?
Does it seem as if you are always waiting for something or someone to change so that you can be happy? Let's talk about the habits of mind that are the real obstacle to your happiness.
What is your mind doing (and what is it doing to you)?
In this episode, I’ll talk about the common mental habits that we develop that are often the source of our frustration and unhappiness in life. I’ll explain strategies listeners can use to become studen...
Making the bed in a world that is turned upside down. Dr. Mariangela Maguire on Mindful L...
In a time of crisis, when we most need the practices that help us maintain balance and harmony in our lives, we often abandon those practices because we are distracted and distraught. Life coach and mindfulness pra...