Archived Episodes
Conscious Parenting: Presence Instead of Perfection with special guest Susan Dolci
Let's face it, parenting is exhausting, especially when a pandemic keeps the kids out of school and summer camp. You're doing the best you can but your best friend from high school just posted pictures of her DIY d...
The Great Unraveling
Are you holding your breath right now? Take an inhale and exhale. That’s it. We all do it. We hold tightly to our most precious resource and healing source - our breath. In the...
Thinking Outside the Box with Guest Susan Lake
My Guest is Susan Lake; creator of the Evergreen School of Recovery. This school combines both Eastern and Western healing modalities to achieve a “Total Person” application for addiction recovery. Her ...
The odds of us being here in this place and time are 1 in 400 Trillion. That is a pretty big number, wouldn’t you agree? With those odds, it stands to reason that We all have a purpose and a reason for being ...
The 12 RULES OF ATTENTION: How to Avoid Screw-Ups, Free Up Headspace, Do More and Be More...
Do you feel like you're "crushing it?" How productive, happy and fulfilled do you feel each day at your job? You might ask what attention has to do with it. The answer may help clear up and fix a wide range of ongo...
How can mindfulness practices address racism? with Special Guest Mariangela Maguire!
Mindfulness means bringing our awareness to the present moment without judgment. I believe that mindfulness practices remain relevant even during a pandemic and during citizen protests against racism. Specifically,...
The Power of Attitude and Choice with guest Jesica Henderson!
Choice, it’s a little word, but it can change your life. Our world can turn in a moment if we but choose to shift our attitude, our outlook, our perception of our world. Join Sarah in conversation with Jesica...
Mindfulness and the Creative Process
In this episode, Professor Craig Gingrich-Philbrook and I discuss the relationship between mindfulness and the creative process. Dr. Gingrich-Philbrook, teacher, performnace artist, and mentor is a faculty mem...
It's all about compassion
Jack Kornfield says, "Compassion that does not include the self is not complete." But many of us struggle to treat ourselves with compassion and may not see that our constant self-criticism undermines our compassio...
Power is Love with Special Guest Sarah Mane!
Pure Universal Love is ever-present and powerful. Remembering this and connecting with the love within, means we see the uniting factors which bring us all together. Join Dr Pat and Sarah Mane as they discuss the h...
The Art of Loving Presence with Dennis Gaither
“Nothing else matters half so much, To reassure one another, To answer each other. Everyone has inside himself, -what shall I call it? A piece of good news.” ~Ugo Betti
Finding the Patience and Inner Strength to Handle Anything !
Real ‘Patience’ is a true, beautiful and mighty power, perfectly designed to help us face life’s challenges. Often our experience of patience is one of gritting our teeth and putting up with thing...
Am I in the groove or stuck in a rut?
The routines of daily can move us toward awakening or feel like a trap. In this episode we'll look at the difference between mindless habits and liberating practices.
What's the difference between acceptance and resignation?
Mindfulness encourages us to be accepting of ourselves and others, to avoid fighting reality. For many of us, acceptance might sound like giving in and giving up. In this episode we explore the concept of acceptanc...
Love – the Not-so-Secret Sauce!
Pure Universal Love is ever-present whether we are feeling it or not. Love can be covered over just like clouds appear to conceal the sun. Join Sarah as she talks about letting pure universal love f...
What's your story?
All of us are telling the story of our lives--who we are and how we came to be who we are. In this episode, we examine ways that our stories can become the source of fearful and negative thinking and identify strat...
When can I be happy?
Does it seem as if you are always waiting for something or someone to change so that you can be happy? Let's talk about the habits of mind that are the real obstacle to your happiness.
Snake or Rope? Overcoming Fear!
The one word ‘Fear’ is used to explain two situations where we basically experience the same feelings or sensations. The catch here is that there are two different causes – one is rational...
What is your mind doing (and what is it doing to you)?
In this episode, I’ll talk about the common mental habits that we develop that are often the source of our frustration and unhappiness in life. I’ll explain strategies listeners can use to become studen...
Exceptional Healing Practices to Change your Life with Penny Price Lavin!
From One Light Healing Touch from Penny Price Lavin's new book, THE HEALING FIELD. We all need to learn how to use the higher energetics of energy practices and energy healing to help us release blockages, fears, a...
Making the bed in a world that is turned upside down. Dr. Mariangela Maguire on Mindful L...
In a time of crisis, when we most need the practices that help us maintain balance and harmony in our lives, we often abandon those practices because we are distracted and distraught. Life coach and mindfulness pra...
Stepping Free of Imaginary Bondage!
All too often, the inner limits that we experience and feel, seem to be fixed and beyond our control. When we awaken to these imaginary limits, we can step free from them and discover our greater potential....
Gaining Control of the Mind & Calming Your Heart!
An active chatty mind plagues pretty much everyone these days, and the wisdom traditions have been guiding people over the millennia on exactly what to do. When the mind is still, the heart is naturally cal...