Archived Episodes
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane Join us in this episode when Pia and Kornelia talk about the Divine Feminine Energies and the importance of beginning to perceive our world t...
Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Catherine Chadwick, to discuss an awesome unique tool you can incorporate in your daily lives. The Sunshine Quotient® is a mindfulness and breathing technique that ...
Learning to Love yourself - Live with Stephanie James
We have all heard the expression, "Just love yourself, be your own best friend," but after 33 years in the personal development and mental health field, I know it's just not that easy. Join me for an episode ...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Stephanie Zito , Morgan Patricio , Allison Hope Finley
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith Our Future Selves in multidimensionality. We’ve never been through an Ascension like th...
Everything is Energy with Special Guest Karen Hicks
This week on Episode 10 of The Path to Being Fifty and Free Show: "Everything is Energy".
The Power of the Body Wisdom
In this episode, learn how this ONE intention helped Claudia-Sam get rid of whole body rashes and ways that you can tune-in to your body and allow your inner body wisdom to guide you...
Is there an Armageddon ?
In this episode, Gretta, Leigh and Yvonne discuss the quote: "There is no Armageddon.This construct has been created by humanity to instill fear of dying. Substitute this idea ...
Wouldn't you like the Stigma taken out of Mental Health? With guest host Kimberly Barrett...
Learn how to reduce the stigma of mental illness for family members and others? Watch live on facebook.
Making decisions using a pros and cons list isn’t a thing anymore!
Dive into what it means to be your own expert and listen to your intuition when wondering what to do so that you can be happy now. Claudia-Sam is answering/asking quest...
What We Need to Know Now with Stephanie James and Special Guests
Are you ready to be uplifted and illuminated? Join me this week for a live episode where we will be talking to presenters from the What We Need to Know Now Event, which will be a free online Event, happening Septem...
A Time to Be Strong and Confident
Today we need inner strength and confidence. True strength and firmness is resolute and steady, it doesn’t mean rigid. In this show Sarah looks at the wisdom in Sanskrit that illuminates where...
Backing Away from Burnout- choosing the path of lesser resistance
Burnout. You've heard the phrase. Perhaps you've even told someone clos...
Staying in the Vibration of Universal Love
Pure Universal Love, Prema, is ever-present whether we are feeling it or not. Love seems to be covered over by all the thoughts and feelings that limit us like anger, frustration, anxiety, doubt and fear, j...
Moving from Fear to Love
We talked last episode about sharing love and light one person at a time and about how we have a unique opportunity to help Shift the Vibration and Consciousness on the Planet. This week we will talking about movin...
The Rise of ‘Damayanti – For Your Soul’
‘Conscious Confidence – a Timeless Wisdom’ is making a major step and evolving into ‘Damayanti – for Your Soul’. &lsq...
Put Your Oxygen Mask on First!
Put Your Oxygen Mask on First! For caregiver's of all stripes, burnout is a real and present danger. May is Mental Health Awareness and I'd like to discuss caregiver burnout. As singl...
Harnessing Your Intuitive Superpower
How often do you stop and notice what’s around you? Are we buzzing through our daily lives too much on autopilot, perhaps ignoring the s...
Have You Heard About Shifting the Collective Vibration and Consciousness on the Planet?
In the past year, with the pandemic, with so much conflicting information, with so much polarity and hatred… how many of us are not even sure who or what to believe, leaving us in a state of Uncertainty and ...
Encore: May is Mental Health Month!
May is Mental Health Month! Today let share our mental stories, struggles, and triumphs. We'll look at tools from Mental Health America or MHA. Share the wisdom and knowledge on your socials. Your mind and body nee...
Mindful Astrology: Finding Peace of Mind According to Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sun with...
Ever wonder what’s behind the simple question of “What's your sign?” While most people are aware of their sun sign, beginning to understand the combination of your sun, moon, and rising signs&mdas...
Encore: When Your Confidence Is In the ICU
Kate went from being a high-flying Los Angeles attorney to being an exile in a Midwest farm town and in the process lost her confidence. She reclaimed her confidence as she trained to be an executive coach and lear...
Feeling the Burn!
Feeling the Burn! For caregiver's of all stripes, burnout is a real and present danger. May is Mental Health Awareness and I'd like to discuss caregiver burnout. As single parent to a mentally ill child I o...
May is Mental Health Month!
May is Mental Health Month! Today let share our mental stories, struggles, and triumphs. We'll look at tools from Mental Health America or MHA. Share the wisdom and knowledge on your socials. Your mind and body nee...