Archived Episodes
The Mysticism in Ancient Sanskrit with Sarah Mane
Sanskrit has a mysterious and mystical power. Even for those who know little about it, the shape of the letters and the beauty of the sound is magnetic. Join Dr Pat and her guest Sarah Mane as they ...
Going with the Flow
Do we really have to hop off the cliff just like Indiana Jones and hope for something to appear beneath us?In this episode of the Be Happy Now show, Claudia-Sam talks about what going with the flow is a...
Surrender Your Story with Robin H Clare, Manuscript Maven – Green Heart Living Press
Each of us has a story, and in fact, we may have many stories that define our lives and impact our ability to manifest our best lives. These stories directly result from unhealed trauma from our childhood, teen, an...
Mindfulness and Mysticism: Connecting Present Moment Awareness with Higher States of Cons...
In author Ora Nadrich's stunning new book, Mindfulness and Mysticism, she brings together the practice of Mindfulness with a spiritual understanding of becoming one with a higher consciousness...
Truth About Triggers
If others are "making you feel" bad, mad or sad and you are tired of trying to change them... And/Or If you feel like all you do is get triggered...
Being real with all the feels
In this weeks episode, Claudia-Sam is going straight to what everyone is thinking about:
A Guide to Peace and Oneness, Book Discussion
Love and Light: A Guide to Peace and Oneness provides step-by-step guidance to reclaim peace, tranquility, love, and connection.The new book Love of Light A Guide to Peace and Oneness explor...
How can I be calm even when I’m rushing?
If you are an avid meditator or yoga-er, and you want to be able to transition from being in the present moment to going about your to-do list, this episode is for you.
Dancing with the ego and Soul
This episode of the Be Happy Now show is all about choosing between the mind and the heart, or in other words, between a life led from Fear and a life led from Love.Claudia-Sam shares her one experience...
My top 5 self-coaching tools to raise my energy vibration
In this Be Happy Now show episode, Claudia-Sam shares her top 5 self-coaching tools that have helped her (and her clients) through : Inner mind cha...
Modern Guide to Mudras: Create Balance and Blessings in the Palm of Your Hands with Dr. A...
Fill your life with grace and joy using one of humanity’s oldest forms of magic, meditation, and communion with spirit—mudras. Popular author Alexandra Chauran reveals that all the power you need is rig...
Life can be SO good and horrible too. How to navigate it without feeling like you have no...
Does life ever feel horrible at times and then SO good to you?Living through the “horrible” and the “so good” is all about mastering the art of awareness without judgement.
Bring Love to It with Dr Georgia Herrera.
Every day we are faced with conflicts, some large, some small. Sometimes our decisions are right for the other person but leave us lacking. What if we were able to put our self-worth and value into any equa...
Flower Essences from the Witch's Garden: Plant Spirits in Magickal Herbalism with Nichola...
In this practical guide to using flower essences in witchcraft, alchemy, and healing, Nicholas Pearson provides detailed instructions for making and using flower essences based on traditional Western magick practic...
Just Be (what it really means)
Have you ever come across a home decor that says “Just Be”?And it looks beautiful and sounds like something that is “good to do”…But it’s been more of a ...
CBD for Your Health, Mind & Spirit with Kerri Connor & Cheryl Cryer
This book is designed to get your relationship with CBD off to a good start. CBD is one of the most versatile and healing plant compounds in existence, and with the help of Kerri Connor and Cheryl Cryer, you’...
Off the pill (but why?)
In this episode, Claudia-Sam shares one of the best decisions of her life that allowed her to get to know her body, and what was really going on within. You will also get to find out i...
Episode 19 - Resistance to Turning Inward - Part 2
Join us for this continuing conversation around our collective resistance to change. We are continuing the conversation from our last episode where we talked about our collective resista...
Deep listening and body wisdom
We talk a lot about active listening, but when did you last talk about deep listening to your own wisdom? Watch live on Facebook.
Are you an over-thinker? This is for you!
In this episode, learn about the one thing that keeps you in an overthinking cycle (and how to create a new cycle of your own). If you’re t...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Stephanie Zito , Morgan Patricio , Allison Hope Finley
Angels and Goddesses : Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence with Crystal Pomeroy
This book is all about connecting with archangels and their twin flame goddesses. You will discover seven pairings of angels and goddesses with dozens of hands-on invocations, prayers, mandalas, visualizations, and...
Guidance, Mentorship, and support
During life biggest changes we need a cheerleader. Someone who can hold us up to a higher version then ourselves. There is a saying out there,"It takes a tribe to raise a child". The same goes when we are making ch...
My experience with Kundalini yoga, and how I found it can work through subconscious crap ...
All forms of yoga are beneficial: Vinyassa, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Hatha, Bikram. My background and experience comes from the Iyengar school, and I attribute having the skill and initiative to complete my yog...