Archived Episodes
In Search Of Lost Lives: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind & Soul with Autho...
In Search of Lost Lives shows how desires and actions order transmigration to subsequent human and animal lives. Twelve lives show how hurtful actions resulted in a subsequent life as an animal or a sojour...
Introducing No. 3 of the 5 Shifts: A new, unique and cutting-edge approach to healing tra...
Learn why most mainstream approaches are ineffective and how ‘Coming Home to Your Self’ brings profound transformation in all areas of your life lastingly.
Encore: Enter the Realm of Surrender & Courage with Arielle Beauduy & Jaya Sarada & Numbe...
With Arielle and Jaya we will follow in the footsteps of the Divine, as we trace the mystical journey of the ancient teachers of Christ Consciousness. Delve into the sacred legends of two divine masters: the belove...
Effortless Living – Wu-Wei and the Spontaneous State of Natural Harmony with Jason Gregory
Jason offers a guide for achieving an enlightened mind through the art of non-doing with meditation practices, focused on stillness of the mind, along with Patanjali’s yoga methods to maintain a consciousness...
Step Up Into Your Light! with Author and Sound Healer Mikaela Jones
The importance of daily harnessing your intuition, releasing 'stress', engaging in possibility, good boundaries, sound healing frequency, and childlike delight to step up into a fulfilling life shining your Eternal...
Spruce Up Your Yard with George Oliphant and The Art of Breathing: the Secret to Living M...
This spring, many homeowners will be tackling the obligatory home improvement projects. Who better to offer advice than Emmy winning and home improvement expert George Oliphant to provide tips and trends for gettin...
Conscious and Unconscious Confidence – There’s a Difference!
Confidence may appear in different forms such as brashness or recklessness, but is this lasting conscious confidence? Sarah Mane shows the difference between true and real conscious confidence b...
The Art of Breathing: An Easy 10-Minute Brain Hack to Feel Less Anxious, Happier and More...
Today, Meditation expert and bestselling author Dr. Danny Penman shares his incredible story of how meditation changed his life and healed him from extreme trauma. He explains the powers of mindfulness, dispells m...
Respect, Humility and Love – Have we Lost This In Modern Yoga? Special Guest Savitri
We're talking to Savitri, a well-known and loved meditation master and visionary. Savitri is the creator of Heartfull™ Meditation, focused on love and light, and has been teaching for over 30 years. She was b...
A Divine Journey Part 2
Dr. Brie will explain how she was able to handle all the Mental, emotional, spiritual and the physical effects. Years of transformations and why were they so necessary? Now it is 2018 Brie is so honored...
Using Your Mindful Muscle to Boost Inner Strength with Tamara Green & David Dachinger
February 4th, 2018 was World Cancer Day…In this interview, David and Tamara will provide quick and easy mindful tips you can use to decrease anxiety and overwhelm and feel grounded and calm. They'll also sha...
For the first time ever, humanity can adapt to the new speed of time. In this era of increased speed of time, space, thoughts, learning and absorption of ideas, the old way of setting goals is powerless. The new ov...
Writing for Bliss and Healing with Dr Diana Raab
Reflective writing and personal narrative can truly have healing and transformative powers. Dr. Diana Raab, author of Writing for Bliss, is Dr. Schaub’s special guest on this week’s empowerment radio ...
The Four-Fold Energy of Conscious Confidence – Living Beyond Limits
Conscious Confidence is like a great tree with deep strong roots; able to withstand storms and tempests, and also provide shelter, stability and nourishment. Sanskrit helps us to plant that tree and dee...
Setting the Emotional Tone for 2018
What do you want to create in 2018? Your energy is always ahead of you and it is important to focus on what you truly desire in the coming year. This is an emotional issue, not just a physical action issue.
Rock Solid in 2018 with Guest Host Kornelia Stephanie - Show up with Authority Power and ...
All hearts on deck as we bring closure to 2017 making peace, offering forgiveness and compassion for all the challenges life brought us. Kornelia will lead a powerful collective release pr...
2018 This Year – Living The Art Of Powerful Living!
We all would like to see more Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Adventure in our lives. 2018 is a new and fresh time in our lives and the lives of all life on earth to infuse our lives with all the Charm and Delight...
How to Stay Enlightened for the Holidays
The holidays can be a stressful time for many, but it is also an opportunity to gauge your spiritual progress. This is the time to step into your power and protect your energy. I will be disc...
Living with Conscious Confidence - A Timeless Wisdom
Are you ready to move beyond fear and chaos? Living with Conscious Confidence is an easy, simple and practical connection with the thread of consciousness which will transform your life forever. Conscious Confidenc...
Dialing Up Your Intuition via Numerology with Deborah Stelfox
We'll continue our discussion of how to PERCEIVE your intuition and to ACT on it more decisively, with examples of how numerology can assist you in this area.Guest Deborah Stelfox is a spiritual numerol...
Day of Judgement
EJ and Dr. Pat discuss what the coming of the Messiah means and what we can do on a daily basis to make our lives better and to prepare.
Revision Your Past To Enhance Now!
Dr. Pat and Wendy Rose Williams will recap how to align with your Higher Self or soul, your Guides, and the many benefits of Regression Healing/ Past-Life Regression as one path to enlightenment.Past-Li...