Archived Episodes
Value and Worth, We are Designed for Dignity with Co-Host Sabrina Wright!
In our current environment we are experiencing virus, riots and protests. Such tumultuous time in our nation. Our day to day is in a constant flux and we as individuals are struggling with self image, self-worth, a...
Searching for Meaning! - having life meaning in difficult times!
We made a last-minute change for this week’s topic because of current events. The chaos, of police killing black men, riots all over the country, and the backdrop of the Covid pandemic, how does the nor...
How to Start Journaling? When You Don't Know What to Write About
Do you feel like your mind is full of chatter and it’s keeping you from feeling clear and focused? Journaling is a very powerful tool wh...
To Be Gentle With Yourself, Go Gently With Thy Self with Dennis Gaither
In silence the still, small Voice says without words: “I am with you always; you are known, held and loveable forever.” Tune in to this week's show to discover: *A...
How to deal with intrusive thoughts
Do you ever have intrusive thoughts seemingly out of nowhere popping into your head? You may be preparing dinner in the kitchen, when suddenly your mind conjures...
20-20 Little Star - How I wonder what you are - with world-renowned Astrologer Debra Silv...
Join me and my good friend, world-renowned astrologer, Debra Silverman. Let's look to the sky and deep inside as we ring in a new year, a new decade and a new awareness of how we can evolve on purpose.&...
From Suicide to Miracle Worker Extraordinaire with Kornelia Stephanie
Suicide is not the answer; Love is the answer, and love heals all. I had no reason to live. I hated myself. I remember the time in my life when I felt so much shame. Unworthiness. Powerlessness. Feeling Abandonment...
Be The Voice for Change
In our rapidly changing world, it serves us to embrace change as we redesign our lives and our world. While we know change can be uncomfortable, it does not have to be when there is a willingness to communicate wha...
Friday, June 21, 2019
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Nina Hall-Curtis , Debbra Lupien , Autumn Seibel , Susan Axelrod , Carlenia Springer
Encore: Getting Grounded and Creating Sacred Space with Ali Katz and Dr. Pat Baccili
We cannot change the world around us, but we can create a landscape of inner peace within ourselves. Life will never slow down, or stop being stressful, so we need to figure out ways to deal with these triggers, and d...
Getting Grounded and Creating Sacred Space with Ali Katz and Dr. Pat Baccili
We cannot change the world around us, but we can create a landscape of inner peace within ourselves. Life will never slow down, or stop being stressful, so we need to figure out ways to deal with these triggers, and d...