Archived Episodes
From Self-Sabotage to Self-Love with Co-host Dana Canneto
In what areas are you allowing your self-saboteur to take over and stop you from your goals, hurt you in your relationships, taking power over your health and your body? And how often are you judging yourself for y...
Humanity: The Challenge of Spiritual Development
There are many spiritual principles that reflect scientific principles; both are on a quest to understand our place within the whole. It is “your place” within the human ...
Humanity: The Human Experience
When we understand the principles that govern how we coexist as a human family, we have greater facility in creating positive experiences. Science has proven that we are greater than...
Humanity: Science Meets Spirit
We are beginning a series of shows on Understanding Our Human Family. Both science and spiritua...
'Spaced Out Scientists' & The Final Frontiers of Human Consciousness: A Conversion with D...
This week, don't miss what is bound to be a lively, out-of-the-box and inspiring conversation between Dr. Kelly and multi disciplinary scientist, designer, and author Dr. Bruce Damer ab...
Dear Human - A Manifesto of Love, Invitation and Invocation to Humanity with Author Court...
A love letter and evolutionary spiritual manifesto based on the viral meme (also called "Dear Human") with over 20 million shares and counting. Endorsed by Elizabeth Gilbert, it is an exploration of celebrating our hu...
Conversations with Laarkmaa - Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith
For the first time in history, a Pleiadian group has invited a human couple to join an interplanetary team to assist in human evolution. Laarkmaa is a loving group of Pleidians who are dedicted to the evolution of hum...
Homo deva: Evolution's Next Step emerging divine feminine epoch of our planet with Dr. Ma...
Dr. Mary Belknap suggests that members of Homo sapiens are developing into a new creative species called Homo deva. The era of Homo deva will take us across a major evolutionary threshold, as people learn to express a...
Transformational Culture: A New Paradigm for Art, Music and Festivals with Jamie Janover
In this episode, we will discuss the new, emerging transformational culture scene both in the US and abroad, with a highlight on the types of visionary art, music and transformational festivals that have captured the ...
Conscious Evolution with Barbara Marx Hubbard
Do you know how unique you are as a member of “Generation One,” part of the first group on earth to face global crisis and choose to consciously evolve as a species? What an honor and a responsibility for us all! Barb...